Analysis jobs


ChessBase offers the user the possibility of automatically analysing a series of positions with various engines. This function allows you to highlight a whole series of positions and analyse them one after the other with different engines. The results of the analyses are stored and can be looked at whenever you want at a later point in time.

This uncommonly useful function is to be found in the menu of the board window under Analysis – New analysis jobs.

In the dialog which follows you are asked to enter a name for the database in which the results of the analysis jobs will be collected. When choosing a name you should be careful to select a meaningful one so that at some future point in time you can recognise it..

Then comes the dialog box for the settings.

In that box you can enter the positions for analysis, specify the engine you want for a position or look at previous results.

A right click with the mouse, then the choice of Properties lets you adapt the analysis properties individually for each position.

The total time for analysis is displayed and the process is set in motion with a click on Start/Continue.




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