Displaying a training question


Question: I have set up a training database. But whenever I access an entry the window is not displayed and the solution not shown.

Answer: Make sure that under Training the tab for “Enable training” has been switched on. In addition, it is necessary that the database itself has been allocated the attribute for training databases via the button for Properties.

In the database window a right click on the training database provides further help.

Click on the Training button and you reach a dialog box where you can fine tune things.

What do the entries mean? Points reached offers the user in addition to extra motivation also an overview of the success rate.

If the setting for “Random training” has been activated, then the exercises are not loaded chronologically but chosen at random. “With clock” forces the user to solve the exercises within a set time frame in order to score the number of points on offer. This method simulates particularly well the external conditions of a practical game when the chess clock is also mercilessly ticking.

Reset” deletes the results achieved in the training database and the user can start afresh at some future point when previous results will not be taken into account.






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