– finding players


A particularly interesting option is finding players who live close to your home. Along from the window for Players you will find the tab World.

The map of the world shows with the help of red dots the exact positions of players who are logged in.  Pointing at a red dot on the map with your mouse will display the name of that player. A right click on the player’s name on the map gives you access to a lot of supplementary information – e.g. picture, rating.

You can have direct access to the map from the player list. A double click on the name of a player, then Show on map immediately accesses the map and shows you with a red arrow the location of the player you have selected.

A right click on a player’s name on the map allows  –  Which users live here (10 km)? This lists all the players living near that player’s location.

The list also gives you some personal information about the players who live close by. A click on the player entry Picture starts the dialog for “Personal Information”.

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