Adding to training databases


Parallel to Fritz‘ program folder there is the Training folder

In it you will find the two training databases for opening and endgame training which you can access with  Fritz, Komodo, Houdini &Co and start training in openings or endgames based on the contents of these databases.

Admittedly, the contents are more suited to beginners or those taking their first steps in chess. But users have the option available to them to extend these databases, e.g. as a basis for training within the context of chess teaching or for the extension of their own opening repertoire. Thus it is possible to supplement the contents of the database and render this function suitable for use by more advanced players too.

Let us first take a look at the specific procedure for extending the endgame database. In order for the program to be able to display the positions you have saved in the training dialog, these positions must first be saved into the “Endgames” database which can be found in the Training folder. The same holds true for the contents for opening training, the database also being in the folder indicated.

Load into the Database window the database you wish from the folder.

Now start the input dialog for chess positions, that is with the button “S” or via Paste – Set up position

Enter the position which you wish to save. Ctrl-Shift-A now allows you to add a comment referring to the type of endgame, e.g. Bishop ending.

Now you have to save the position and first select as your target database the database “Endgame.cbh” in the Training folder.

Under File – “Save as new game” it is possible to save a new entry in the database – no matter whether it is a position or a complete game.

Tip: You must be absolutely careful about selecting the correct database from the Training folder!

In the save dialog you can establish how the entry will look later in the selection list of the training dialog. To do so you first click on Clear to empty the boxes.

Your input might look as follows:

When inputting text you must take care not to use symbols such as + or /. Otherwise what will be displayed in the selection dialog is not the position in your diagram but the starting position. This procedure allows you to construct a clear, structured training database of your own.

Tip: Should you be told that it is not possible to save into the database, this will be because you do not have permission to write to the folder. In this case copy the database into another folder on your hard disk, edit and check the contents with this copy. When you have finished this, copy the newly organised database into the Training folder.

The newly pasted entry in our example will now be displayed by the program in the relevant dialog.















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