

Tools that run in the background and help you when you want help are a fine thing. One such tool is the WebApp "My Games Cloud". It helps you to organise interesting games, allows you to easily find games you discovered on the newssite, and helps you playing chess when you are travelling.

Did you know that the games you play through on the ChessBase News are saved automatically? Recently, while on a train, I had a look at Karsten Müller's current endgame column but had to get off before finding the solution. Back home I wanted to have another look at the position. I opened the WebApp My Games Cloud with my ChessBase Premium Account, clicked "Recent Games", and found the position of Karsten Müller's endgame column: it had been automatically saved in my cloud!

The WebApp offers a lot of tools and applications, more than the replayer which already allows to do a lot of things.

The WebApp Fritz Online also offers interesting functions, and it allows me to play a certain position against the engine.

Of course, I can also open ChessBase 14 where I am automatically connected to the cloud database. Here I can open a window in which Karsten Müller's endgame task appears.

The cloud contains the games I most recently looked at or played

This allows me to analyse the position, makes notes — if I want to — and finally save it in the database on my hard drive.

Another advantage: If I had a look at an interesting game on the ChessBase News and a few days later want to have another look at this game I do not have to search for this particular on the News pages because I can find it in my cloud database — like the other games I played through.




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