Best game


You have played a particularly good game and are of the opinion that this game should be made available to a wider public? ChessBase 14 offers an interesting function for sending a selected game to the editors of Mega Database, which is recognised as the standard reference database.

Load you game into the board window.

Then via the menu item File – Send– Upload best game you can carry out the upload.

Then a dialog box is displayed in which you can check, correct and then send the data.

Submit then immediately sends the game to the editors of Mega.

If you do not have ChessBase 14, you are nevertheless welcome to send in the game notation. As a first step save the game notation on your computer in PGN format.

Log on to the following website with the name of your ChessBase Account.

The subsequent dialog box offers you the possibility to correct and edit the game data. Submit sends the game notation off to the editors, who will check the notation and decide whether the game will be included in Mega.



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