29,90 €
ChessBase offers the possibility of using a single hot key to include within the notation of a game reference games for comparison. This form of annotation requires only a few seconds.
For it to work there is the absolute need for a reference database to have been defined, which must also be classified with an openings key. If you employ the Mega or the Big Database, you will have a database which has been carefully classified and edited and is eminently suitable for use as a reference database.
The status as a reference database is attributed to the database in the database window by a right click on the database symbol – Properties– Reference database.
Then you open in the board window any game you wish into which you want to insert comparative opening references in the form of commentary. With the key combination Ctrl-Shift-R the program starts its search through the reference database and Immediately inserts the games for comparison into the notation as a variation at the point where the lines.
Here is an example of unannotated game score and what it looks like after the function has been used.
With Save – Save you can replace the game entry in the database with the annotated game. This useful function is not available directly from the board window in Fritz, but can be executed during Full analysis. In the dialog box for analysis settings under Full analysis there is the button “Opening reference”.
Based on the reference database the program also integrates recent comparable games und marks the divergences from the main notation.
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