Fritz 16 and the PowerBooks


Fritz 16 and the new PowerBooks

In the last few months, we have published a number of "Special Powerbooks" for various openings, e.g. for the London System, the French Defence or the Nimzo-Indian. These Powerbooks are very popular, which is no real surprise because they contain lots of information that you will not find elsewhere. Moreover, with Fritz 16, the opening trees and statistics in the Powerbooks are ideal to practise your repertoire.

Of course, you can also explore the variation tree to take a look at the unknown positions. Every chess player who wants to widen his or her repertoire and is keen on new ideas will find lots of valuable material in the Powerbooks!

Alternatively, use the new Powerbooks as a source of additional information when studying a FritzTrainer! E.g. the new Nimzo-Indian DVD by Rustam Kasimdzhanov. In the popular line 4.Qc2 0-0 5.a3 Bxc3 6.Qxc3 the opening expert proposes to continue with the rare move 6...b5. If the Nimzo-Indian Powerbook is active while you study Kasimdzhanov’s DVD you see the main lines and the statistical evaluations of Kasimdzhanov’s proposals during his lecture.

Practice your repertoire

Now start a new game with Ctrl+N or via the menu, and then click on the tab "book" in the notation window. You see the Powerbook with the statistics about the starting position. Let’s say you want to practice your Nimzo-Indian repertoire against the line 4.Qc2. First, you have to define the first four moves by White as "Tournament Move". Right click on 1.d4 in the variation tree, select "Tournament Move", and then do the same for 2.c4, etc.

Now you are ready: set the clock in the menu "File" ("Levels") and start a new game with Ctrl+N or with "New Game". Note: to tell Fritz to follow your choices in the book go to "Analysis" in the menu and select "Optimal Book":

If you want to play White in your training game make the first move. If you want Fritz to play with white press the "Space" key. Fritz now will follow your settings → in our example up to move four. But then he will do his best and you can check and test your repertoire against the best and most comprehensive Nimzo-Indian opening book.

Hint: If you always want to train with the same colour against Fritz, go to File → Options → Game and deactivate "Turn Board with new Game"!








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