(1) Leko,Peter (2741) - Carlsen,Magnus (2765) [D12]
Miskolc rapid (7), 01.06.2008 [Gyimesi Zoltán]

1.d4 Although Peter was better with 1.e4 in all three games, in his last white game he switched to 1.d4.

It took a minute for Magnus to decide what to play.

2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3

4...Bf5 5.Nc3 Peter has little practice in this line, because his only (rapid) game with white in this position was against non other than Magnus a year ago. There followed a6 and after a spectacular fight it was a draw.

5...e6 6.Nh4 Bg6 7.Nxg6 hxg6
On the other hand Magnus had it recently with both colours.

8.Bd2 Nbd7 9.Qc2 Be7 10.Be2 dxc4 11.Bxc4 0-0 12.0-0 c5 13.dxc5 Nxc5 14.Rfd1 Rc8
In Carlsen-Anand, Dortmund 2007 they inserted a3, and black drew after a little suffering.

15.Be1 Qc7
Quite a normal position, although it is a mystical question what on earth a bishop could be doing on e1?!

16.Be2 Nce4 17.Qa4 Nxc3 18.Bxc3
The pair of bishops would give White a slight edge, but he cannot keep it for long.

18...Nd5 19.Bd4 a6 20.Bf3 Rfd8 21.Qb3 Bf6
22.g3 [Peter was afraid that after 22.Bxf6 gxf6 23.Bxd5 Rxd5 24.Rxd5 exd5 25.g3 his adventage is not enough. In this case he is mistaken, but I can understand his concerns, since Magnus is capable of holding rook endings with a pawn less, and here he still hasn't lost that pawn.]

Black has nearly equalized.

23.Be2 Bxd4
[23...e5 24.Bc3 Nxc3 25.bxc3 was Peter's idea, but after 25...b5 I don't think he can do anything with the f7 weakness.]

24.Rxd4 a5 25.Ba6 Rb8 26.Be2 Rbc8 27.Rc4 Qb8 28.Rac1 Rxc4 29.Qxc4 Ne7 30.Qb5 Kf8 31.b4 Rd5 32.Qa4 axb4
Rd2 was a strong alternative, but Magnus was already very short on time. Peter still had some minutes, but not for long.

33.Qxb4 Qd6 34.Qb3 Qd8 35.Rb1 Rd6
Magnus has defended all his weaknesses. It is not easy to break through, but Bf3 with Rc1-c4-a4-a8 could have been a try.

A thematical move, but now it merely weakens the g3 pawn, and takes away the h4 square from the rook.

36...Kg8 37.Bf3 Nf5 38.Rc1 Ne7 39.Kg2 Rd2!
Finally some activity. Now White should agree the inevitable with Rc2 or Rd1.

40.Rc4?! Nf5!
Comes the second piece into activity!

[41.Rc2?? would be a terrible tactical mistake, because 41...Nxe3+! is possible and Black wins.]


And Magnus brings his third (and last) piece into the attack. Now he threatens to jump in with the knight, and everything hangs. Peter realised it, too, but he has to win in order to level the match. And look, Black's king is very vulnerable! Let's mate it on the back rank!

But NO! This was not your time! Black arrives first! [Instead 42.Qc3 was the only move, and after 42...Rxa2 43.Qxf6 gxf6 44.Rb4 Ra6 45.Bb7 Ra1+ 46.Kg2 Ra2 47.Kf1 they can agree to a draw.]

Wow, what a check!

43.Kg2 Qe1
And again, as in the third game, it is precisely the f2 square (pawn), that costs Peter another half point!

44.Rc8+ Kh7 45.Qb8

Had it been White to move...

[Okay, it still wins, but wasn't 45...Nxe3+! 46.Kh3 Qf1+ 47.Kh2 Rxf2+ 48.Bg2 Qxg2# much easier and faster? I know, you had just seconds left, and everything wins.]

Certainly Peter would give it up already some moves earlier in a real game, but he played for the public, and they found it very entertaining, that his king run out to the other side of the board.

46...Qf1+ 47.Kg4

47...Nh6+ 48.Kf4

48...Rxf3+ 49.Ke4 f5+


50...Rxe3+ 51.Kd6 Qa6+

52.Ke7 Qa3+ 53.Kd7 Rd3+

But this is really game over. And with it Magnus has already secured the match. 0-1