(1) Kramnik,V (2784) - Carlsen,M (2814) [E00], 73rd Tata Steel GMA Wijk aan Zee NED (11), 28.01.2011 [Mueller,Karsten]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 Bb4+ 4.Bd2 Bxd2+ 5.Qxd2 d5 6.Bg2 Nbd7 7.Nf3 c6 8.0-0 b6 9.Rc1 0-0 10.cxd5 cxd5 11.Na3 Bb7 12.Nb5 a6 13.Nd6 Qb8 14.Qb4 a5 15.Qa3 Ba6 16.Ne5 b5 17.Qxa5 Qxd6 18.Rc6 Qb8 19.Rxa6 Rxa6 20.Qxa6 Nxe5 21.dxe5 Qxe5 22.Qxb5 Rb8 23.Qd3 Rxb2 24.Qe3 Qxe3 25.fxe3 Rxe2 26.a4 Rc2 27.a5 Rc7 28.a6 Ra7 29.Bf1 Kf8 30.Rb1 Ke7 31.Rb7+ Rxb7 32.axb7 Nd7 33.Kf2 Kd6 34.Bb5 Nb8 35.Be8 Ke7 36.Bb5 f6 37.Kf3 Kd6 38.Be8 Kc7 39.Bf7 Kxb7 40.Bxe6 Kc6 41.Bg8 h6 42.Kg4 Nd7 43.Kf5 Ne5 44.h3?! Kramnik places both kingside pawns on light squares in the following. [Mittels 44.h4! Kd6 45.h5 (Kramnik) he could have drawn relativly easily.]

44...Kc5 45.g4?! Kd6 46.Bh7 Ke7 47.Bg8 g6+ 48.Kf4 Nf7 49.Bh7 g5+!?
[49...Nh8 50.Bg8 Kd6 51.h4= ]

[Unfortunately active defense with 50.Kf5?? is impossible due to 50...Nd6+ 51.Kg6 Nc4 52.Kxh6 Nxe3-+ nicht spielbar.]

50...Nd6 51.Bg8 Ne4+ 52.Kg2 Kd6
Magnus starts his long march.

53.Kf3 Kc5 54.Bh7 Nc3 55.Bd3 Kb4 56.Ba6 Kb3 57.Bb7?
Now the king will reach d2 which seals White's fate. [57.Bd3 Kb2 58.Kf2 Kc1 59.Ke1 (Kramnik) was the last chance to fight. It looks as if White can still defend.]

57...Kc2 58.Ba6
[58.e4?! d4-+ ]

Magnus mighty king In the duel knight against bishop the knight usually wants to have control. But even then it is often quite difficult to win. Magnus Carlsen had to use all his creativity to beat Kramnik. After looking at my original analysis, which starts at this point, Kramnik remarked: "I had made two childish blunders and was totally lost already."

[59.Bc8 was more tenacious as now no direct zugzwang can be forced. But Black will win in any case: 59...Kd2 60.Bb7 Kc1 A triangulation to break this set up. 61.Bc8 Kd1 62.Bf5 (62.Ba6 Ke1 Zugzwang 63.Bd3 Kd2 64.Ba6 Nd1 65.e4 d4-+ ) 62...Ke1 63.Be6 Kf1 64.Bg8 Kg1 65.Kg3 Ne4+ 66.Kf3 Kh2 67.Bxd5 Nc3! Black must win a tempo. (After 67...Nd6? 68.h4 gxh4 69.Kf2 ; resp after 67...Nc5? 68.Bc4 Kxh3 69.Bf1+ Kh4 70.Be2 h5 71.gxh5 Kxh5 Black has good drawing chances.) 68.Bc4 Nb1!! The point. The knight will either sacrifice itself on d2 or return with gain of time. (68...Kxh3? is met by 69.Bf1+ Kh4 70.Bd3 beantwortet.) 69.Ke2 Kxh3 70.Bd3 (70.Be6 Nc3+ 71.Kf3 Na4 72.Bc4 Kh4 73.Bf1 Nb6 74.Be2 Nd5 75.Bd1 Nc3 76.Bc2 Nb5 77.Ba4 Nd6 78.Bb3 f5-+ ) 70...Nc3+ 71.Kf3 Kh4 72.Bf1 (If White stays on the b1-h7 diagonal with 72.Bc2 (Knaak) then the following knight manovers win. Black's king also has to move from time to time to bring White in zugzwang: 72...Nb5 73.Bf5 (73.Bh7 Nd6 74.Bg6 Nc4-+ ) 73...Nd6 74.Be6 Kh3 75.Bb3 (75.Ba2 Nc8 76.Bc4 Ne7 77.Be6 Nc6 78.Ke4 Ne5 79.Kf5 Nxg4 80.Kg6 Kh4 81.e4 Ne3-+ ) 75...Nb7 76.Bd1 Nc5 77.Be2 Kh4 78.Bb5 Nb3 79.Be2 Nd2+ 80.Kf2 Ne4+ 81.Kg2 Nc3 82.Bf3 Na2 83.Be2 Nc1 84.Bd1 Nd3 85.Kf3 Ne5+-+ ) 72...Nb1 73.Bd3 Nd2+ 74.Ke2 Kxg4 75.Kxd2 Kh3 76.Be2 g4 77.Ke1 h5 78.Kf1 Kh2-+ ]

Magnus Carlsen puts Kramnik in zugzwang. Now his king will reach the white kingside pawns.

[60.Ba6?! is refuted by 60...Nd1 61.e4 d4-+ ]

60...Ke1 61.Bb7 Kf1 62.Ba8 Kg1 63.Kg3 Ne4+ 64.Kf3 Nd2+ 65.Kg3
[65.Ke2 Nc4 66.Bxd5 Ne5 67.Be4 Kh2 68.Kf2 Kxh3 69.Bf5 Kh4-+ ]

65...Nf1+ 66.Kf3 Nd2+ 67.Kg3 Nc4 68.Bxd5 Nxe3 69.Bb7 Nf1+ 70.Kf3 Kh2 71.Kf2
[71.h4 Kh3 72.hxg5 fxg5 73.Bc8 Nh2+ 74.Kf2 Nxg4+ 75.Kf3 h5-+ ]

71...Nd2 72.Bg2 Nc4 73.Bf1 Ne5 74.Ke3 Kg1 75.Be2
[75.Ke2 Nd3 76.Kxd3 Kxf1-+ ]

75...Kg2 76.Ke4 Kxh3 77.Kf5 Kh4 78.Bd1 Nc4! 79.Ke4
[After 79.Kxf6 Ne3 80.Be2 Nxg4+ 81.Kg6 h5 82.Bd1 Ne3 83.Bxh5 Ng4-+ White is in zugzwang. A tragicomical picture.]

79...Nd6+ 80.Kd5
[80.Kf3 h5 81.gxh5 Kxh5 82.Kg3+ Kg6-+ ]

The final point. A very impressive endgame performance by Magnus Carlsen! [80...f5! 81.Kxd6 fxg4 82.Ke5 g3 83.Bf3 Kh3 84.Kf5 g2 85.Bxg2+ Kxg2-+ ] 0-1