(1) Chirila,Cristian - Kritz,Leonid
Final Four Herndon, 01.04.2011
[GM Lubomir Kavalek/Huffington Post]

White played

and Kritz decided to round up the e-pawn by placing the bishop on e6 with

[Instead, he could have tried the straightforward 49...f5 50.Ng3 Kf6 51.Rxf5+ Ke6 52.Rf4 Rxe7 53.Ne4 Rg7 and black should win.]

50.Kxf3 Be6?
[A losing blunder. Black still had a decent winning chances with 50...f6 51.Nf4+ Kf7 52.Re2 Bc6+-+ (52...Rxe7 ) ]

A shocker, turning the game around. The king just walked into a winning position. The white pieces dominate on the dark squares and Kritz must lose material. For example [51.Kf4 Rxe7 (51...f6 52.Rxe6 Kxh5 53.Kf5+- ) 52.Rg5+ black is hopeless against white [diagonal] s threats 52...Kh6 (52...Kh7 53.Nf6+ Kh8 (53...Kh6 54.Ng8++- ) 54.Rg8# ) 53.Nf6 (threatening 54.Ng8+) 53...Rd7 54.Nxd7 Bxd7 55.Re5 Be6 56.Rxe6+ fxe6 57.Ke5+- ] 1-0