Analysis – playing out positions


One of the main uses for chess programs is the analysis of unclear critical positions. As well as the interactive analysis in monitor mode, the function “Shootout” which is implemented in Fritz is particularly helpful when it comes to arriving at a definitive evaluation. Different engines play out the position against each other with varying depths of calculation or thinking times.

This function is available under the menu tab Analysis.

Compared to monitor mode the advantage of doing things this way is that the engines can delve much deeper into the position.

The resulting games stored in the “Shootout” database represent the first foundation stone for an evaluation. Many chess engines may well be reliable when it comes to the analysis of specific tactical problems, but the evaluation of deep-seated positional factors can lie beyond the horizon of their calculations and only influence the evaluation a few moves later. This function helps to sidestep this weak point and to achieve a more precise evaluation with the help of chess engines on your own computer.



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