Using Syzygy to save space


Many current notebooks and preconfigured computers are offered with relatively small hard disks. When analyzing games and especially endgames with our programs, you will be reluctant to forego the useful information offered by the current endgame databases, the Syzygy endgame tables. The disadvantage of these endgame databases: they require a lot of storage capacity on the hard disk, especially if you use the elaborately calculated six-players.

For such cases, however, there is a simple alternative in the form of a sufficiently sized USB stick, which are now offered at pocket-friendly prices. A 64 GB USB stick currently costs 7 EURO and it makes sense to install the endgame tables on such a stick, especially since you can also use it on other existing computers. Nowadays a fast USB 3.0 interface is standard, so the access works without any problems.

So create a directory on the stick and copy the existing installation of the endgame tables into it. In the next step - this is of course the prerequisite for use - you must and can use the endgame databases with our current programs also from the USB stick. The configuration to be done is easy to do via the options, we show this here with the example of the options dialog of ChessBase 17.

Menu File - Options - TableBases - Syzgy Engine.

Via the input lines you can set the target path, a click on the buttons with the three dots also allows the selection of the target directory via file selection dialog and mouse click.

After these settings have been made, each chess engine accesses the information stored in the endgame databases with the support of the Syzygy tables - all current strong chess engines do this in the meantime.

Tip: if you have several computers and don't want to handle a USB stick all the time, you should at least install all the five-steins. These require less than 1 GB of hard disk space and you should not give up this valuable resource for analysis!

The described procedure also works with all our current chess programs.



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