Search maneuvers


The search mask of ChessBase 16 allows the targeted search for certain maneuvers. Depending on the opening selection and the resulting positional constellations, certain maneuvers are repeated again and again. For the active tournament player it is important to know and understand these standard maneuvers. With the help of the search mask it is possible with little effort to filter out suitable comparison games from any database stored on the hard disk.

As a rule, the search is performed within the reference database. The status of the reference database is set by right-clicking on the corresponding database icon in the database window. Within the search mask there are several tabs, including the "Maneuvers" tab.

In the first step you define whether the maneuver should be performed by white or black. Alternatively, you can define that the search is performed regardless of the color distribution. Then the executing piece is defined (rook=R), then the starting square, using a question mark if it is not a specific row or line.

The target square is determined in the same way, and then it is determined whether an opponent's piece is captured or not. To refine the search, the opponent's answer move is defined. If several moves are defined, make sure that the program takes into account the sequence of maneuvers, if necessary.

The partial representation of the dialog below illustrates the principle. Here a white bishop sacrifice on h7 with a black king on g8 has been defined, including the usual standard maneuvers followed by Qh5 etc.

After running the search, the corresponding games are listed. By clicking on a game list entry, the program immediately shows the corresponding position where the predefined maneuver occurred.

The search function is relatively complex and the best way to understand the system is to use the examples and experiment with them.

In the Tactics section you will already find frequently used, predefined examples. Make sure that the definition of the subject by selection is then also displayed in the dialog described above.

Clicking the Examples button lists some examples that will also help you better understand how the maneuvers work.

In addition, the program offers you the option to save search maneuvers you have defined yourself and load them again for later use.





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