Merge server games


Question: for reasons known only to my computer, I have several databases for my Internet games. I want to merge them into one database. The only way I can think of is to copy the games from the database I want to delete to the database I want to keep and then delete the old database. My question: is this really the only and the best way?

Answer: Depending on the version of the program you are using, it is possible that there are several different databases in different directory paths with played Internet games on your computer. If I were you, I would choose the way I use to manage and save my games for documentation. I use ChessBase 16 for this purpose.

Create a new database, e.g. "My server games".

Import the different databases that are on your system. After you have done this, perform a sorting according to the criterion "Date". Of course, you are also free to set other preferred criteria via the chip sorting.

When the sorting corresponds to the specifications you have made, start the function " Fix sorting " under the menu item MAINTENANCE.

The fixation refers only to the display of the list; the contents and the structure of the database are not changed.

If you are sure that everything has been taken over and you have made a (very important) backup copy of the new database, then you can and should simply delete all the database scattered over the hard disk.

Tip: The best way to do this is with the freeware program "Search Everything", which you can download from .

This useful tool lists all available file types very precisely. In your application example, ALL available databases are found with it. This allows you to find and delete these databases in a targeted manner.

By the way, if you play with your preferred client, a new version of the database "MyInternetGames" will be created on the hard disk again and your games will be saved there.

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