Optimize engine analysis


Question: If I add a chess engine under ChessBase 16, the engine evaluation does not really run "smoothly".

The variant calculation "stalls" and it takes some time until I can execute the moves again or until ChessBase 16 reacts again and another move can be entered. Is this problem known or is it only me who has this problem? Is it possible to fix the problem?

Answer: in rare cases this problem can occur on older machines.

To speed up the output there are several possibilities:

Deactivate in the options dialog of the program under "Design - "High quality notation".

Check the value for the HashTables in the settings dialog for the chess engine and reduce the hash value.

Switch from the figurine notation to the display with letters.

Make sure that no other computationally intensive applications are running in the background. You can use the task manager to check which applications are active in the background and which resources are requested by them.


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