No evaluation profile in CB15


If in ChessBase 15 you load a game into the board window an evaluation profile is created automatically. In the graphic the user can see at a glance where the turning point in the game occurred. 

A click in the evaluation profile, moreover, immediately loads the relevant position.

Say you have activated the function which generates the profile in the options, but no profile is being created.

Then you should check which processor is installed in your PC. The function makes use of one core of the processor for its calculations. If for example you are using a computer with a single core processor, the profile cannot be generated by the program.

A mobile i5 processor has at the most 2 cores, an i5 generally four cores. But at the moment the function presupposes at least three available cores and so would not work with  a mobile i5 processor.

Note: If you use the battery then no profile is displayed!



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