Shankland the story of the event
Back in Havana for the first time in three years, the Capablanca Memorial, which has been running since 1962, is a must-watch event. This years lineup features two Cuban grandmasters, two Russian grandmasters, a Spanish grandmaster, and an American. Many are keeping an eye on Sam Shankland, the newly crowned US Champion as he plays his first event after crossing the 2700 mark last month. He hasn't disappointed and has a comfortable lead heading into the final three rounds.

The "Habana Libre Hotel" in the Cuban capital hosts the 53rd edition
Shankland started out strong from round two. He managed to win a nice game over GM Lazaro Bruzon. Bruzon is currently the highest rated player living in Cuba and second highest rated in the field.
Bruzon 0-1 Shankland (annotated by GM Mikhail Golubev)
1.e4 | 1,161,232 | 54% | 2421 | --- |
1.d4 | 943,611 | 55% | 2434 | --- |
1.Nf3 | 280,295 | 56% | 2441 | --- |
1.c4 | 181,395 | 56% | 2442 | --- |
1.g3 | 19,649 | 56% | 2427 | --- |
1.b3 | 14,142 | 54% | 2427 | --- |
1.f4 | 5,868 | 48% | 2376 | --- |
1.Nc3 | 3,749 | 51% | 2385 | --- |
1.b4 | 1,735 | 48% | 2378 | --- |
1.a3 | 1,187 | 53% | 2403 | --- |
1.e3 | 1,063 | 48% | 2408 | --- |
1.d3 | 940 | 50% | 2378 | --- |
1.g4 | 658 | 46% | 2359 | --- |
1.h4 | 441 | 52% | 2372 | --- |
1.c3 | 419 | 51% | 2423 | --- |
1.h3 | 277 | 56% | 2416 | --- |
1.a4 | 106 | 59% | 2469 | --- |
1.Nh3 | 88 | 66% | 2510 | --- |
1.f3 | 87 | 45% | 2429 | --- |
1.Na3 | 40 | 63% | 2477 | --- |
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1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.dxc5 5.Ngf3 5...Nf6 6.Ngf3 Qxc5 6...Bxc5 7.Bd3 7.Bc4 Qc6!? 7...0-0 8.Qe2 8.0-0 b6 9.Nb3!? 8...Nbd7 9.Ne4 b6 10.Nxc5 Qxc5 10...Nxc5!? 11.Be3 Qc7 12.Bd4 Bb7 13.0-0-0 Nc5!? 14.Be5 Nxd3+ 15.Rxd3 15.Qxd3= 15...Qc4 16.Nd4 Be4! 17.Re3 17.Rg3 Qxe2 18.Nxe2= 17...Qxa2 18.Bxf6 Bg6! 19.Ra3 Qd5 20.h4? 20.Be5 f6! 20...gxf6 21.h5 Qxd4 22.hxg6 hxg6 23.Rah3 f5 7.Bd3! Nbd7 8.0-0 Qc7 9.Re1!? Be7 9...Nc5!? ∆10.Bb5+ Bd7 10.Ne4 b6!? 11.Nxf6+ 11.g3 Bb7 12.Bf4 Qc8 13.Nxf6+ Nxf6 14.Bb5+ Bc6 15.Bxc6+ Qxc6 16.Ne5 Qb7 17.c4 0-0 18.Qf3 Qxf3 19.Nxf3= 11.Nd4!? 11...Nxf6 11...Bxf6 12.Ng5 Nc5 13.Bb5+ Bd7 14.Bxd7+ Qxd7 15.Qxd7+ Nxd7 16.Ne4 Be7 17.Bf4 12.Ne5 12.Bd2!? 0-0 13.Bc3= 12...0-0 13.Qf3 13.Bf4 Bd6 14.Qe2= 13...Bd6 13...Bb7 14.Qh3 Rfd8 15.Bg5 Rd5! 16.Bxf6 Bxf6 17.Qxh7+ 17.Ng4 Bxb2!? 17...Kf8 18.f4 Rd4 14.Qg3 Bb7 15.Bh6? 15.b3= 15...Nh5 16.Qg5 f5! 17.Qxh5 Bxe5 18.Bc1 Rf6!? 19.Bf1 Rg6!? 20.c3 Rd8?! 21.Bg5! Rd5 21...Rf8! 22.Rad1 b5!? 23.h4 23.Rxd5!? Bxd5 24.g3 24.Bxb5 Bxg2! 25.Be8 23...Bh2+ 24.Kh1 Bf4 24...Bd6! 25.Kg1?! 25.Bxf4 Qxf4 26.Kg1!= 25...a6?! 26.a3?! 26.Bxf4 Qxf4 27.b3!= 27.Re3?! Qh6 28.Qxh6 Rxd1‼ 26...Bxg5 26...Bd6!? 27.hxg5 Qe7 28.Rd4?! 28.Qh2 28...Rxd4 29.cxd4 Qd8! 29...Rxg5? 30.Rxe6!= 30.Qh2 Bd5! 31.Rc1 31.f4 h6! 31...Rxg5 32.Qe5 h5 33.Rc3 Rg4 34.f3 Rg6 35.Qf4 h4 36.Kf2 Qf6 37.Rc8+ Kh7 38.Rc7 Rh6?! 38...h3!-+ ∆39.gxh3 e5‼ 40.Qxe5 40.dxe5 Qb6+ 40...Qh4+ 41.Ke2 Re6 39.Ke3?! h3! 40.gxh3 Rh4 41.Qe5 Qg5+ 42.Kf2 Qd2+ 42...Rh6! 43.Be2 Qxd4+ 44.Qxd4 Rxd4 45.Ke3 Rh4 46.Bf1 Kg6 47.b4 47.f4!? 47...f4+ 48.Kf2 Rh8! 49.Ra7 Ra8 50.Rc7 Kf6 51.Bd3 g5 52.Be2 Rb8 53.Bd3 Rb6 0–1
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Bruzon Batista,L | 2664 | Shankland,S | 2671 | 0–1 | 2018 | C07 | Capablanca Mem Elite | 2 |
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Aleksey Dreev of Russia also had a nice game from round two. He topped compatriot Aleksandr Rakhmanov with a nice Queen's Gambit where he maintained a slight opening advantage and won a pawn after pressing for 23 moves.
23.Qxd5 was enough to gain a pawn and later secure the victory.
Dreev 1-0 Rakhmanov (annotated by GM Mikhail Golubev)
1.e4 | 1,161,232 | 54% | 2421 | --- |
1.d4 | 943,611 | 55% | 2434 | --- |
1.Nf3 | 280,295 | 56% | 2441 | --- |
1.c4 | 181,395 | 56% | 2442 | --- |
1.g3 | 19,649 | 56% | 2427 | --- |
1.b3 | 14,142 | 54% | 2427 | --- |
1.f4 | 5,868 | 48% | 2376 | --- |
1.Nc3 | 3,749 | 51% | 2385 | --- |
1.b4 | 1,735 | 48% | 2378 | --- |
1.a3 | 1,187 | 53% | 2403 | --- |
1.e3 | 1,063 | 48% | 2408 | --- |
1.d3 | 940 | 50% | 2378 | --- |
1.g4 | 658 | 46% | 2359 | --- |
1.h4 | 441 | 52% | 2372 | --- |
1.c3 | 419 | 51% | 2423 | --- |
1.h3 | 277 | 56% | 2416 | --- |
1.a4 | 106 | 59% | 2469 | --- |
1.Nh3 | 88 | 66% | 2510 | --- |
1.f3 | 87 | 45% | 2429 | --- |
1.Na3 | 40 | 63% | 2477 | --- |
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1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 a6 4.e3 d5 5.b3 dxc4 6.Bxc4 c5 7.0-0 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bd7 9.Bb2 Nc6 10.Nd2 10.Nf3 Be7 11.Nbd2 0-0 12.Rc1 Rc8 13.Qe2 Nb4 14.a3 b5 15.axb4 bxc4 16.Nxc4 Bxb4 17.Ra1 Bb5= 10...Nxd4 11.Bxd4 Bc6 12.Be2 Bb4!N 13.Nc4 0-0 14.Bf3 Nd5? 14...Rc8 15.Bxd5 Bxd5 16.Qg4 g6 17.Nb6± f5 17...Rb8 18.Qg3 Bd6 19.f4 Rb8 20.Rad1 Rf7 20...Qe8!? 21.Nxd5 exd5 22.Qf3 22.h4!± 22...Rc8 23.Qxd5 Bf8 24.Qxd8 Rxd8 25.Bb6 Re8 26.a4 Rc8 27.Rd3 Rc6 28.Ba5 Rc2 29.Rfd1 Bc5 30.R1d2 Rc1+ 31.Kf2 Re7 32.Bd8 Re8 33.Bf6 Bb4 34.Rd1 Rxd1 35.Rxd1 Kf7 36.Bd4 Rc8 37.Kf3 Rc2 38.h3 h5 39.g3 Ke6 40.e4 Bc3 41.exf5+ gxf5 42.Ke3 Ba5 43.Be5 Bb6+ 44.Kd3 Ba5 1–0
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Dreev,A | 2671 | Rakhmanov,A | 2635 | 1–0 | 2018 | D27 | Capablanca Mem Elite | 2 |
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Rounds 5-7: Shankland Pushes Ahead
In rounds five, six and seven Shankland has been on an absolute tear. He has taken down GMs Bacallao, Rakmanov and Bruzon.
The first of the three was a nice win over the Cuban Yusnel Bacallao in the advanced variation of the Caro-Kann. Black tried the interesting 5...a5 and seemed to do quite, however, Shankland managed to navigate the complications and simplify.
Shankland 1-0 Bacallao (annotated by GM Mikhail Golubev)
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1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.dxc5 e6 5.Nf3 5.Qg4!? 5.Be3 5...Bxc5 6.a3 Ne7 6...Bb6!? 6...a6!? 7.b4 Bb6 8.Bd3 a5!? 9.b5 9.Bb2 axb4 10.axb4 Rxa1 11.Bxa1 Na6 12.Bc3 d4 12...Nc7 13.Bxd4 Nxb4 14.Bxb6 Qxb6 15.0-0 Nxd3 16.Qxd3 0-0 17.Rd1 9.Nc3!? 9...Nd7 10.0-0 Ng6 10...0-0 11.Bxh7+?! Kxh7 12.Ng5+ Kg6! 13.Re1 13.Qd3+? Nf5 14.g4 Nxe5 15.gxf5+ exf5 16.Qg3 Ng4! 13...f6!? 14.Nxe6 Bxf2+! 15.Kh1 15.Kxf2? Qb6+ 15...Qb6 16.exf6 Nxf6! 17.Nxf8+ Kf7 18.Rxe7+ Kxf8!? 19.Qe2 19.Re2?! Bg4 19...Bg4 20.Be3 Bxe2 21.Bxb6 Kxe7 22.Bxf2 10...a4 11.Bb2 11.Bxg6!? hxg6 11...fxg6 12.c4! 12.c4 Rh5! 13.Bb2 dxc4 14.Nbd2 Bc5 15.Nxc4 b6 16.Bd4 Be7 11.Qe2!? 0-0 12.a4 11...Qc7? 11...a4!? 12.Re1 12.c4!? 12...Nc5 13.Bd4 Bd7 14.Nc3 Qc7 12.Re1? 12.c4! Ndxe5 12...dxc4 13.Bxg6 hxg6 14.Nbd2± 12...Nf4 13.cxd5!± 13.Nxe5 Nxe5 14.cxd5 Qd6 14...0-0? 15.d6!+- 15.Be2!? 0-0 16.Nc3 Rd8 17.Ne4! Qxd5 18.Qa4!? f5 19.Ng3± 12...a4 13.Nbd2 Nc5N 14.Bxg6 fxg6!? 15.Qe2 0-0 16.Bd4!? Ba5 17.Rec1 b6 18.c4!? Qe7 18...Bb7! 19.cxd5 exd5! 19.Qe3 19.cxd5! exd5 20.Qe3! 19...Bb7 20.cxd5 Bxd5! 21.Bxc5 bxc5 22.Rab1 Qb7? 23.Nc4! Bxf3?! 23...h6 24.gxf3 Rxf3 25.Qxc5 Qe4 26.Nxa5! Rf4 26...Rxa5 27.Qb4+- 27.Rb4+- 26...Qg4+ 27.Kh1 Rxa5 28.Qb4 28.Rb4 Qh3 29.Qc8+ Rf8 30.Rf4! Qf1+ 31.Rxf1 Rxc8 32.Rb1± 28...Qxb4 29.Rxb4 Rxf2 30.Rc8+ Rf8 31.Rxf8+ Kxf8 32.b6 Ra8 33.Rxa4! Rb8 34.Ra6!+- 27.h3+- Qf5 27...Rf5 28.Qe3!+- 28.Rb4 Qg5+ 29.Kh2 Rf3 30.Rc3 Rxc3 31.Qxc3 Rxa5 32.b6 1–0
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Shankland,S | 2671 | Bacallao Alonso,Y | 2594 | 1–0 | 2018 | B12 | Capablanca Mem Elite | 5 |
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The double round-robin tournament started with both Shankland and Dreev coming out strong, but Shankland has taken over with wins in rounds six and seven.
Dreev holds strong in second place with 4½/7. His fifth round game saw a nice win over David Anton Guijarro who played the rarely seen 6... Qd8. Dreev seemed to control the board however and converted a two pawn advantage for the win.
In the sixth round, Shankland again managed to get a passed pawn and push for the win.
Allowing 35.c7 was just too much for black and the game was finished just six moves later.
Also in round six, Anton bested the down-on-his-luck GM Bruzon, who has scored just two points so far in the event.
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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 9.c3 Be7 10.Bc2 0-0 11.Nbd2 f5 12.Nb3 Qd7 13.Nbd4 13.Nfd4 Nxd4 14.Nxd4 c5 15.Nxe6 Qxe6 16.f3 Ng5 17.a4 Rad8 18.axb5 axb5 19.Bxg5 Bxg5 20.f4 Be7 21.Kh1 d4 22.cxd4 c4 23.b3 Bc5 24.bxc4 Rxd4 13...Nd8 14.Bb3 c6 15.a4 15.Ne2 15...b4N 15...Rc8 16.axb5 axb5 17.Qe2 Kh8 18.Rd1 Bg8 19.Bd2 Rb8 20.Be1 c5 16.cxb4 Bxb4 17.Bg5 Kh8 18.Rc1 18.Bxd8 Raxd8 19.a5 c5 20.Ra4 g5 21.Rxb4 cxb4 22.Ne1 18...c5 18...Rc8 19.a5 Nxg5 20.Nxg5 Bg8 21.Ba4 Qe7 19.Nxe6 Nxe6 20.Bxd5 N4xg5 21.Bxa8 Qxd1 22.Rfxd1 Rxa8 23.Nxg5 Nxg5 24.Rd6 Kg8 25.Rcd1 a5 26.Kf1 f4 27.h4 Nf7 28.Re6! Kf8 29.Ke2 Re8 30.Rxe8+ Kxe8 31.e6 Ne5 32.Rd6 32.Rd5= Nc6 33.Kf3 32...c4 33.Ra6 33.Rd4 33...Nd3 33...h5-+ 34.Ra7 g6 34.Ra7 Nxb2 35.Rxg7 h6 36.Rc7? 36.Rh7 36...c3-+ 37.g4 37.Rd7 Nxa4 38.Kd1 37...fxg3! 38.fxg3 Nxa4 39.Kd1 Nc5 39...Bd6 40.Ra7 40.Rc6 Ke7 41.g4 Nxe6 0–1 - Start an analysis engine:
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Bruzon Batista,L | 2664 | Anton Guijarro,D | 2646 | 0–1 | 2018 | C83 | 53rd Capablanca Memorial 2018 | 6 |
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Round seven was Shankland facing Bruzon for the second time. This time Shankland with white transposed in a Queen's Gambit. Shankland again ended up with an extra passed pawn and again pushed it to the win.
Standings after seven rounds
Rk. | | Name | Rtg. | Nt. | Pts. | n | | | | | | | TB | Perf. |
1 | | | 2701 | | 5.5 | 7 | | | | | | | 15.00 | 2872 |
2 | | | 2653 | | 4.5 | 7 | | | | | | | 14.25 | 2740 |
3 | | | 2646 | | 3.5 | 7 | | | | | | | 9.50 | 2644 |
4 | | | 2635 | | 3.0 | 7 | | | | | | | 10.75 | 2609 |
5 | | | 2594 | | 2.5 | 7 | | | | | | | 8.75 | 2555 |
6 | | | 2664 | | 2.0 | 7 | | | | | | | 6.75 | 2496 |
TBs: Sonneborn-Berger |
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