Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and Elisabeth Pähtz win World Juniors

by ChessBase
11/23/2005 – He is (yet another) wonder boy from Azerbaijan, she a German talent who already picked up the under 18 title two years ago. Both finished clear first in the boys' and girls' sections of the World Junior Chess Championship in Istanbul, Turkey. We bring you results, games and a big pictorial report by Frits Agterdenbos.

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World Junior Championships

GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov is the new Junior World Champion. The 20-year-old from Azerbaijan clinched the title with a round to spare when he drew with Tomy Nyback to take a 1½ point lead in round 12. Shak's final performance rating was 2783.

IM Elisabeth Pähtz of Germany took the title in the girls's section, after a flurry of wins in the final phase of the event (including a mammoth 112-move black win against Turkan Mamedjarova in round 12). Elli already won the under 18 world championship two years ago,..

Report by Fide Master Geoffrey D Borg

The level of the tournaments have increased substantially since my participation back in 1980 and 1982 (which makes me feel really old against some of the kids competing in this event!). We did have a certain Garry Kasparov in 1980 who made light of winning the title… in the same way that Shaki Mamedyarov is making the boy’s title seem like a heavyweight fighting in a featherweight boxing contest!

I’ve delved on the top girl’s game. Irina Vasilevich had beaten Gu Xiaobing in the previous round and this 11th round game was therefore very critical, moreso given that Gu Xiaobing could only draw against WGM Harika Dronavalli from India.

Paehtz,Elisabeth - Vasilevich,Irina [B49]
U20 Girls Championship, Istanbul (11), 20.11.2005 [Borg,G]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Be2 Qc7. Elisabeth has been getting a number of Sicilians with black but her opening prep is up to par as can be witnessed in this game. 8.0-0 Bb4 9.Na4 0-0 10.c4 Bd6 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.g3!? This pawn sac is known in this position but 12.f4 Nxe4 13.Bd3 with excellent compensation for the pawn seems better. 12...Nxe4?! [12...c5!] 13.c5 Be7 14.Bd3. 14.Qd4 has not given white much in previous games 14...f5 (14...Nf6 15.Nb6 Ra7 16.Bf4 Qd8 17.Bb8 Rb7 18.Be5 Bxc5 19.Bxf6 Bxd4 20.Bxd8 Bxb6 21.Be7 Re8 22.Bxa6 Ra7 23.Bxc8 Rxe7 24.Rfd1 d5 25.Rd3 Rec7 26.Rb3 Bxf2+ 27.Kxf2 Rxc8-+ 0-1 Lesiege,A-Hebert,J/Ch. Invitation 1988 (36)) 15.Rad1 Bf6 16.Qc4 Rb8 17.b3 a5 18.Qc2 Be7 19.Bc4 d5 20.cxd6 Bxd6 21.f3 Nf6 22.Rxd6 Qxd6 23.Bc5 Qe5 24.Qd2 Nd5 25.Re1 Qc7 26.Bxf8 Kxf8µ 0-1 Wartmann,R-Haba,P/Schmiden op 1995 (53)] 14...Nf6 [14...f5!? 15.Bxe4 fxe4 16.Qd4 Rb8 17.Qxe4² Qa5 18.b3 Rf5 19.Rac1 Rb4 20.Rc4 Rb5? (20...Rxc4 21.Qxc4²) 21.Nb6! Rxb6 22.Ra4 Qb5 23.cxb6 d5 24.Qc2 c5 25.Rc1!+- 1-0 Renet,O-Berend,F/Brussels zt 1993 (41)] 15.Bf4!± now white dominates the board completely ... memories of Kasparian; I am not sure if all this was opening prep up till here but Elisabeth has played very well 15...Qd8 [15...Qa7 16.Qc2 (16.Nb6±) 16...Nd5 17.Bxh7+ Kh8 18.Be5 f5 19.Bg6 Bg5 20.Qe2+- 1-0 Cuijpers,F-Rohde,U/Sitges op 1998 (49)] 16.Nb6 Ra7 17.Qe2? I am not sure as to why white left the c5 pawn en prise but obviously its a mistake [17.Qc2!?±] 17...h6 [17...Bxc5!=/+] 18.b4 Nd5?! Opening the a-file was better before this move 18...a5! 19.a3 Nd5 20.Nxd5 exd5 19.Nxd5 cxd5 20.a4?! Again White overestimates the strength of the pawn phalanx and should consolidate the c5 pawn first [20.Rac1] 20...Bf6? In an actual game it is quite difficult to sit back and be rational all the time particularly when you're under pressure in the position throughout the game. Irina makes a critical mistake here and possibly it was her last chance to stay in the game [20...a5=/+] 21.Rac1 OK now we're back on course 21...Re8 22.Bd6 Bb7 23.f4 Ra8 24.Rce1 Qc8 25.Qh5 White is taking a few risks maybe feeling that she needed to take the initiative to win 25...Bd4+ 26.Kg2 Bc3 27.Re2!? [27.Rb1? d4+ 28.Kh3 Qc6-/+] 27...d4+ 28.Kh3 f5.

29.g4! Now Black's position caves in 29...Qd8 30.gxf5 exf5 31.Qxf5 Rxe2 32.Qh7+ Kf7 33.Bxe2 d3 [33...Qf6 34.Bc4+] 34.Bh5+ Ke6 35.Qxd3 and its mate in 6. 1-0.

Click to replay the above and two other games annotated by Geoffres Borg

Geoffrey D Borg is a Fide Master who was quite active a number of years ago, winning a silver medal on Board 1 in the Thessaloniki Olympiad in 1984. He still enjoys playing on the Internet, but today he is more active on the tournament organisation and building initiatives such as the Mediterranean Chess Association of which he is the General Secretary. Geoffrey is also the Campaign Director for the Dutch-Turkish bid for the FIDE Presidency.

Final standings


Rank   Name Rtg FED Pts Rp
1 GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2674 AZE 10½ 2783
2 GM Berkes Ferenc 2596 HUN 2646
3 GM Alekseev Evgeny 2632 RUS 9 2571
4 GM Gashimov Vugar 2608 AZE 9 2622
5 GM Smeets Jan 2531 NED 2626
6   Li Chao(B) 2305 CHN 2613
7 GM Stellwagen Daniel 2561 NED 2580
8 GM Nyback Tomi 2563 FIN 2577
9 GM Wang Yue 2585 CHN 2576
10 IM Magalashvili Davit 2448 GEO 2557
11 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw 2606 POL 8 2595
12 GM L'ami Erwin 2541 NED 8 2593
13 GM Wang Hao 2519 CHN 8 2560
14 IM Kharitonov Alexandr 2545 RUS 8 2529
15 GM Tomashevsky Evgeny 2564 RUS 8 2522
16 GM Kurnosov Igor 2523 RUS 8 2426
17 IM Sengupta Deep 2400 IND 8 2436
18 FM Glud Jacob Vang 2349 DEN 2525
19 IM Sanikidze Tornike 2411 GEO 2489
20 GM Predojevic Borki 2558 BIH 2483
21   Karakehajov Kalin 2396 BUL 2428
22 IM Khairullin Ildar 2537 RUS 2419
23 IM Zhigalko Sergei 2490 BLR 2468
24 IM Mamedov Nidjat 2517 AZE 2467
25 IM Esen Baris 2384 TUR 2414
26 IM Laznicka Viktor 2517 CZE 2439
27 FM Kuderinov Kirill 2432 KAZ 2382
28   Macak Stefan 2319 SVK 2379
29 FM Sulashvili Malkhaz 2386 GEO 2374
30 IM Heberla Bartlomiej 2465 POL 7 2501
31 IM Romanov Evgeny 2479 RUS 7 2483
32 GM Bartel Mateusz 2513 POL 7 2481
33 IM Rau Hannes 2421 GER 7 2419
34 IM Livshits Gaby 2381 ISR 7 2363
35 FM Jojua Davit 2337 GEO 7 2397
36 IM Lenic Luka 2476 SLO 7 2407
37 IM Zhigalko Andrey 2537 BLR 7 2385
38 IM Cornette Matthieu 2418 FRA 7 2381
39 GM Moradiabadi Elshan 2497 IRI 7 2345
40   Rohit Gogineni 2401 IND 7 2334
41 FM Papin Vasily 2425 RUS 7 2314
42   Wen Yang 2374 CHN 7 2374
43   Grecescu Gabriel-Andrei 2380 ROM 7 2209
44   Gopal G N 2327 IND 2428
45   Negi Parimarjan 2352 IND 2424
46 IM Poobesh Anand S 2397 IND 2399
47   Babujian Levon 2429 ARM 2405
48   Maenhout Thibaut 2282 BEL 2337
49   Kvon Andrey 2293 UZB 2320
50 IM Zinchenko Yaroslav 2485 UKR 2358
51   Aleskerov Faik 2321 AZE 2273
52   Tikkanen Hans 2343 SWE 2306
53 FM Barnaure Vlad-Victor 2454 ROM 2242
54   Amanov Mesgen 2273 TKM 2229
55 FM Terrieux Kevin 2365 FRA 6 2391
56 FM Xie George Wendi 2340 AUS 6 2387
57 FM El Debs Felipe De Cresce 2341 BRA 6 2375
58   Jessel Stephen 2304 IRL 6 2311
59   Zeynalov Farid 2179 AZE 6 2363
60 FM Kurmann Oliver 2287 SUI 6 2298
61   Krivokapic Marko 2361 SCG 6 2280
62   Akshat Khamparia 2275 IND 6 2247
63   Can Emre 2287 TUR 6 2218
64   Samakov Nurdin 2209 KGZ 6 2227
65   Nava Roderick 2317 PHI 6 2215
66 FM Perdomo Leandro 2373 ARG 6 2211
67   Moosavian S Hamed 2263 IRI 2292
68   Khuseinkhodzhaev M. 0 TJK 2274
69   Ouakhir Mehdi 2239 MAR 2184
70   Tanrikulu Erhan 2151 TUR 2162
71   Pileckis Emilis 2255 LTU 2171
72 FM Carron Julien 2314 SUI 2116
73 FM Citak Selim 2291 TUR 2083
74 FM Wei Chenpeng 2390 CHN 5 2275
75   Yagiz Yasin Emrah 2206 TUR 5 2203
76 IM Stander Heinrich 2128 RSA 5 2216
77   Tulay Berkay 2179 TUR 5 2123
78   Lettieri Giuseppe 2265 ITA 5 2167
79   Shlykov Vitali 2238 EST 5 2084
80   Uzun Fuat 2070 TUR 5 2045
81   Bekkat Azeddinne 2202 ALG 5 1943
82   Mosetlhe Kgaugelo 0 RSA 2150
83   Cil Hasan Kivanc 2067 TUR 2029
84   Villa Ronald 0 COL 4 1976
85   Agdestein Emil 2057 NOR 4 1909
86   De Bruyn Leon W 0 RSA 4 1899
87   Tasdelen Deniz Murat 0 TRK 4 1885
88   Laval Brice 2214 FRA 4 1914
89   Uesugi Shinsaku 2040 JPN 4 1866
90   Lauda Alexandr 2010 MDA 4 1836
91   Sarwary Hamidullah 0 AFG 3 1902
92   Acuner Emrah 1903 TUR 3 1844


Rank   Name Rtg FED Pts Rp
1 IM Paehtz Elisabeth 2408 GER 10 2521
2 WGM Gu Xiaobing 2330 CHN 2493
3 WIM Kadziolka Beata 2352 POL 9 2459
4 WIM Mamedjarova Turkan 2223 AZE 9 2403
5 WGM Harika Dronavalli 2392 IND 9 2434
6 WGM Pogonina Natalija 2401 RUS 2429
7 IM Dzagnidze Nana 2443 GEO 2424
8 IM Vasilevich Irina 2389 RUS 2412
9 WGM Melia Salome 2318 GEO 2382
10   Khotenashvili Bela 2288 GEO 8 2397
11 WFM Motoc Alina 2313 ROM 8 2387
12 WIM Zhang Jilin 2334 CHN 8 2314
13 WFM Szczepkowska Karina 2278 POL 8 2285
14 WGM Tania Sachdev 2379 IND 2363
15 WGM Ushenina Anna 2409 UKR 2348
16 WIM Andriasian Siranush 2263 ARM 2330
17 WGM Zawadzka Jolanta 2381 POL 2332
18 WIM Pourkashiyan Atousa 2271 IRI 2303
19 WIM Guseva Marina 2363 RUS 2308
20 WGM Mongontuul Bathuyag 2408 MGL 2286
21 WGM Khukhashvili Sopiko 2362 GEO 2253
22 WIM Muhren Bianca 2260 NED 2246
23 WIM Aketaeva Dana 2256 KAZ 7 2344
24   Liu Pei 2283 CHN 7 2319
25 WIM Nadig Kruttika 2224 IND 7 2276
26 WGM Karavade Eesha 2348 IND 7 2286
27 IM Purtseladze Maka 2338 GEO 7 2268
28 WGM Corke Anya 2222 HKG 7 2182
29   Ozturk Kubra 1980 TUR 7 2199
30 WIM Sharevich Anna 2305 BLR 2282
31 WIM Bashkite Viktoria 2173 EST 2252
32   Plazaola Maria 2087 ARG 2240
33 WIM Bensdorp Marlies 2199 NED 2241
34 WGM Zdebskaja Natalia 2390 UKR 2208
35 WFM Gutierrez Castillo Paloma 2127 ESP 2198
36   Umudova Nargiz 2101 AZE 2169
37   Raeva Elitsa 2213 BUL 2165
38   Hoolt Sarah 2144 GER 2161
39 WGM Paridar Shadi 2237 IRI 2159
40   Zhang Xiaowen 2153 CHN 2152
41 WIM Ortiz Nadya Karolina 2218 COL 2150
42   Gevorgyan Irina 2099 UZB 2136
43 WIM Nebolsina Vera 2278 RUS 6 2240
44 WIM Meshcheriakova Evgenia 2197 RUS 6 2182
45   Tilenbaeva Janyl 2019 KGZ 6 2145
46 WFM Ciobanu Camelia 2262 ROM 6 2138
47   Gregorova Zuzana 2183 SVK 6 2135
48   Mezioud Amina 1978 ALG 6 2028
49 WFM Topel Zehra 2105 TUR 2088
50   Chierici Marianna 1960 ITA 2054
51   Djukic Sandra 2140 SCG 2073
52   Bensdorp Laura 2090 NED 2037
53   Bulmaga Irina 2122 MDA 2065
54   Ursic Simona 2040 SLO 2121
55   Dudas Eszter 2010 HUN 2041
56   Reppen Ellisiv 1850 NOR 1919
57   Pavlogianni Despina 1989 GRE 1907
58   Xu Ruoyin 2079 CHN 5 2003
59 WFM Gilbert Jessie 2148 ENG 5 1930
60   Raghavi N 2104 IND 5 2047
61   Alimova Maral 2053 TKM 5 2005
62   Frank-Nielsen Marie 1924 DEN 5 1948
63   Chaumont Adeline 2035 FRA 5 1904
64   Levacic Melissa 1993 FRA 1900
65   Almer Julia 1943 SWE 1786
66   Brekke Jorunn Marie 1961 NOR 3 1761
67   Coddens Barbara 0 BEL 2 1632
68 WFM Ding Yixin 2260 CHN 0  


Fatma Yildiz was born August 27, 1977 in Ankara, and is still living there. She finished a course at the Sports Academy in 2001, specializing in gymnastics, and has been working for the Turkish Chess Federation for three years now. Fatma is not a professional photographer, "but I cannot think myself without camera anymore. I'm interested in music, dancing, travelling, shopping and all kind of sports, but right now chess is my life."

Picture gallery

By Frits Agterdenbos

View from hotel Golden Age, where the event was held

Banner with tournament announcement in hotel street

Traditional Turkish shoe cleaner

Taksim square

Taksim square with the famous Republic Monument

T he Republic Monument of Taksim on Taksim Square

The Republic Monument was made by the Italian sculptor Pietro Canonica (1869-1959). It was placed on this location in 1929. It is a statue that introduces Ataturk and the established new system to the community in a figurative expression for the first time.

View from Taksim square

Tram on Taksim square

Gu Xiaobing and Zhang Xiaowen, both from China

Liu Pei and Zhang Jilin from China

IM Nana Dzagnidze of Georgia and WGM Tania Sachdev of India

Indian talent Tania Sachdev

Alina Motoc of Romenia

Turkish arbiter Tugrul Okar with Alexandr Kharitonov

Strong GM Ferenc Berkes from Hungary drew Mamedyarov in round ten

IM Maka Purtseladze from Georgia

Rivals Gu Xiaobing (China) and Elisabeth Pähtz (Germany)

Elli Pähtz, double world junior champion

WIM Turkan Mamedyarova of Azerbaijan

GM Wang Yue from China

Xu Raoying, Zhang Xiaowen, Wang Yue and coach Li Wenliang with the book "64 Schaakportretten", written by our photographer Frits Agterdenbos

Marie Frank Nielsen, Jacob Vang Glud and Per Andreasen from Denmark

Anna Ushenina and Natalia Zdebskaja, both from Ukraine

Tournament director Abdurrahman Koral from Turkey

Turkish Chess Federation President Ali Nihat Yazici

Reports about chess: tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more.


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