Robert Ris’ Fast and Furious: A crushing kingside attack in a Ruy Lopez with 6.d3

by Robert Ris
11/25/2021 – This week, well-known Dutch trainer Robert Ris presents a fine attacking game and takes a look at a way to spice things up in the usually quiet Spanish with 6.d3. | "Fast and Furious" is available on-demand with a ChessBase Premium Account. You can register a Premium account here.

London System London System

By playing the London System, with 1.d4 followed by 2.Nf3 and 3.Bf4, White can avoid a theoretical discussion and instead use natural ability plus a knowledge of plans. The weight of the struggle tends to shift towards the middlegame, but White can also pull off devastatingly quick wins should Black be unaware of the dangers.


The game Perunovic-Kantor featured a spectacular double piece sacrifice in a usually quiet Spanish opening with 6.d3. The maneuver Nh4-f5 forced Black to trade his bishop for the knight and after exf5, White started a massive pawnstorm on the kingside with g4-g5. A very enjoyable as well as instructive game!

Exercise: The knight on a4 is hanging, how would you deal with that?


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Robert is an International Master who mostly spends his time training and coaching talented youngsters. On the PlayChess server The Fast and the Furious is a popular show where he explains sharp opening lines for a wider audience. He is also a well-known ChessBase author who produced numerous DVDs and regularly contributes to ChessBase Magazine as well. Since 2015 he is the organizer of the Dutch Rapid Championships in his home town Amstelveen. He has started a YouTube channel with chess analysis as well.


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