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Who do you think will win the match? And will there be a tie-break?
12.15 Mumbai / 7.45 Hamburg / 1.47 New York: Peter Svidler has experienced this variation in depth in his own games. ChessBase India reports on the eleventh game with key positions and analysis by 12-year-old prodigy Nihal Sarin: A Tale of Two Pawn Structures.
23.24 / 17.24: Draw - after 34 moves game 11 ended in a draw by perpetual check. With one game to go the score is 5.5-5.5.
23.20 / 17.20: Is there a way for Black to avoid the draw by perpetual?
Position after 31.c4
23.16 / 17.16: Carlsen has a passed pawn on e2, but the exposed position of his king makes perpetual check the most likely result.
23.00 / 17.00: The engines evaluate the position on the board as equal but a pawn down Carlsen is pushing - he might, however, overpress.
22.51 / 16.51: Carlsen has a passed pawn on e2, but White is a pawn up. Judit Polgar predicts that the game will end in a perpetual check - and possibly soon.
Position after 27.Qf3
22.30 / 16.30: Carlsen avoids a drawish line and instead creates a passed pawn to keep tension in the game. However, the engines evaluate the position as completely equal.
Position after 24...e3
21.56 / 15.56: After thinking for more than 27 minutes Karjakin goes for 20.Bg5, after which the position could quickly simplify to a drawish ending.
I believe this game will end in a draw soon. Very little chance of a decisive result unless someone screws up badly :) #CarlsenKarjakin
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 26, 2016
21.47 / 15.38: With 19...d5!? Carlsen suddenly sets the pace of the game.
This is what happen when one plays h3. Karjakin now allows Carlsen to dictate the game #CarlsenKarjakin
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 26, 2016
21.38 / 15.38: Karjakin after 19...d5.
21.29 / 15.29: Things get exciting. Due to Carlsen's 19...d5!?
Position after 19...d5
"A brilliant idea and I think it's also a very good idea. Moves like these are the reason why Carlsen is World Champion." Judit Polgar
21.20 / 15.20: The computers did not like 18.h3, but Jonathan Rowson did...
I like 18.h3. No idea if it's any good, but I definitely like it.
— Jonathan Rowson (@Jonathan_Rowson) November 26, 2016
Something cute about it. And keeps the queen safe.#CarlsenKarjakin
... but Anish Giri did not.
Feels like Black got a better version of what he is supposed to get from this variation. If 18...e5!? I put $ on Carlsen. #CarlsenKarjakin
— Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 26, 2016
Position after 18.h3
21.00 / 15.00: Not enough excitement?
My team dinner is better than the current game... ;) hope it will get a bit sharper soon! #CarlsenKarjakin
— Robert Ris (@RobertRis) November 26, 2016
20.45 / 14.45: Judit Polgar: "I have a feeling, Sergey will not be pushing too hard today."
20.39 / 14.39: After 16.f5 by Karjakin Carlsen ponders the possibe pawn structures that might arise.
20.30 / 14.30: Jonathan Rowson likes White's position - intuitively.
If I wasn't swayed by the online engines I would much prefer White here. Advantage is not huge, but tangible and enduring.#CarlsenKarjakin
— Jonathan Rowson (@Jonathan_Rowson) November 26, 2016
20.20 / 14.20: With 14...c5 Carlsen enters new territory - this position has not been seen yet in practice.
Karjakin quickly replied with 15.Qg4 and for the first time in the game Carlsen started thinking.
20.10 / 14.10: After ten moves a position is reached that has already been played in dozens of grandmaster games.
20.07 / 14.07: "This game can become extremely solid. Both sides do not seem to want to take too many risks." Judit Polgar
20.01 / 14.01: It's a Ruy Lopez again and with 6.d3 Karjakin chooses a solid approach.
19.58 / 13. 58: Sergey Karjakin was first at the board.
19.42 / 13.42: Game 11 will begin in a few minutes. Karjakin plays with White. Will he again open with 1.e4? And will Carlsen again go for a Ruy Lopez, sacrificing a pawn to get pressure?
19.27 / 13.27: The twelve participants of the FIDE Women Grand Prix in Khanty-Mansiysik give the World Champion better chances:
The World Champion has eight supporters...
... but the four Russians Alexandra Kosteniuk, Valentina Gunina, Olga Girya
and Natalija Pogonina support the challenger Sergey Karjakin.
13.00 / 07.00: And that's what the players say - or not say about the possibility of a tie-break.
12.30 / 06.30: Indeed: "Never mind football’s Champions League, the Test match cricket or the Formula 1 - the most exciting sporting event on the planet right now is the World Chess Championship match in New York." Says the Independent.
12.00 Hamburg / 06.00 New York: Who will better cope with the pressure? Magnus Carlsen or Sergey Karjakin? Carlsen likes to play basketball and here is what basketball legend Michael Jordan has to say about playing under pressure: “I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result. ... Just play, have fun, enjoy the game.”
Michael Jordan (Photo: Steve Lipofsky, Wikipedia)
17.45 / 11.56 am: Our reporter Maxim Dlugy followed game ten live. Grandmasters were electrified after 20.Nd2 and before 20...d5.
Question: Magnus, can you describe the tension and the relief, right now?
Question: What's the strategy for the two last games. Laconic answer by Sergey Karjakin
16.56 Hamburg / 10.56 am New York: Yannick Pelletier did a round up show on game 10 on Watch it here.
13.30 / 7.30: Press conference of game 10: Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin aswer questions from the journalists.
13.09 / 7.09: Press conference of game 10: Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin share their thoughts about the game.
12.13 / 6.13: Daniel King shows in his video analysis the dramtic moments of game 10.
13.14 / 7.14 am: Spanish novelist Fernando Arrabal joins the scene. Using a metaphor by Garry Kasparov, the vegetarian times are obviously over. Arrabal, who is living in Paris, commentates: "Magnus Carlsen is not eating flesh. He gorges himself on flesh."
— Arrabal Fernando (@arrabalf) November 24, 2016
Magnus Carlsen ne mange pas de viande; il dévore la chair
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