Gibraltar 03: Battle of the sexes

by Johannes Fischer
1/29/2016 – One of the many side events at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival is the "Battle of the Sexes", a light-hearted, funny consultation game men against women that is scheduled for 30 January. However, some players used the third round as a warm-up, notably Harika Dronavalli, who crushed Nigel Short, and Anna Muzychuk, who outplayed Laurent Fressinet.

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Play in the Tradewise Gibraltar Masters starts at 15.00 local time (GMT+1) on Tuesday 26 January 2016, with live commentary from GM Simon Williams and IM Elisabeth Paehtz throughout. There is play every subsequent day at this time until Thursday 4 February 2016, when the tenth final round starts earlier at 11.00 (GMT+1). Live coverage may be found via the official website.

Watch it live on Playchess!

Pictures: John Saunders, Sophie Triay (Tournament page)

About a year ago Nigel Short provocatively stated in a column for the Dutch magazine New in Chess that men are "hardwired" to be better at chess than women. This triggered quite a lot of supportive and less supportive responses and caused a ferocious gender debate in the international press.

While Short had never claimed that players such as Judit Polgar or Hou Yifan could not compete with the best male players, but was first of all talking about the ratio of strong male players compared to strong female players, the English grandmaster risked a lot with his statement. He not only provoked criticism from various sides but now also seems obliged to offer proof for his claim when playing against a woman. 

However, in round three of the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival he failed to do so. Short had to play against Indian grandmaster Harika Dronavalli, number 12 on the women's ranking list, and was crushed.

Nigel Short v Harika Dronavalli

Harika Dronavalli

Nigel Short vs Harika Dronavalli

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1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Be7 This is a line which has been essayed by Nigel Short with Black on many occasions. 4.e5 c5 5.Qg4 Kf8!? 5...g6 weaking the dark squares is something that Black would like to do. 6.dxc5 h5 7.Qe2 Bxc5 8.Nb3 b6!? 8...Bb6 looked more natural but Harika prefers to protect her bishop. If Niget takes it then bxc5 will give her a good centre. 9.Nh3 Qc7 10.Bf4 Ne7 With knights coming to g6 and c6 the pressure on the e5 pawn begins to increase. 11.0-0-0 Ng6 12.Kb1 Nc6 13.Re1 a5! Black's play is very natural. This prepares to kick the knight with a4 and also go Ba6. 14.Nxc5 bxc5 15.Qe3 c4?! 15...Qb6! Would have maintained a solid edge and asked the knight on h3 what exactly is it doing there. 16.Qc5+ Now White gets some activity. Kg8 17.Bc1 a4 18.f4 Nge7 19.Ng5 Nf5 20.Rd1 Ra5 21.Qf2 21.Qa3 looks like a precarious location for the white queen but it stops a4-a3. 21...Rb5 22.c3 Qa5! Attacking the c3 pawn. 23.Qc2 Rb8 23...a3!? was natural. Maybe Harika was afraid of 24.b4 cxb3 25.axb3 But now after Rc5! Black holds the advantage as c3 is weak and about to fall. 24.Ka1 Ba6 25.Nf3 Qb5 26.g3 a3 27.bxa3 Qa5 28.Bh3 Bb5! Preparing Ba4. Black has an overwhelming iniative and now Nigel cracks. 29.Rxd5? exd5 Bxf5 was playable for White. But now Black has a finishing shot. Ba4! 30.Qd2 30.Rxa5 Bxc2-+ There is a mate on b1 is the neat point. Black wins an entire rook. 30...Qxd5 31.Qxd5 Bc2 31...Bc2! 32.Bd2 exd5-+ And magically the knight on f5 has been defended! 0–1
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Short,N2684Harika,D25110–12016C03Gibraltar Masters 20163.12

Anna Muzychuk scored another victory in the "battle of the sexes". She outplayed French grandmaster Laurent Fressinet. 

Anna Muzychuk vs. Laurent Fressinet

Anna Muzychuk vs Laurent Fressinet

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bc5 The main line is 5...Bb4 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 d5 8.exd5 cxd5 but this position tends to be rather drawish. 6.Be3 Bb6 7.Qd2 Ng4 7...0-0 8.0-0-0 Re8 9.f3 d5 10.exd5 Nxd5 11.Bg5 Nxc3 12.Bxd8 Nxd1 13.Bxc7 Bxc7 14.Nxc6 Ne3 15.Bb5 bxc6 16.Bxc6 Nc4 17.Qd4 Be6 18.Bxa8 Bb6 19.Qd3 Rxa8 20.Re1 Rd8 21.Qe4 g5 22.c3 Bc5 23.Re2 h6 24.g3 a5 25.f4 a4 26.f5 Bd5 27.Qd3 Bb6 28.b3 axb3 29.axb3 Na5 30.Re8+ Rxe8 31.Qxd5 Rd8 32.Qb5 Rd6 33.Kc2 Kg7 34.b4 Nb7 35.c4 Rf6 36.g4 Nd8 37.c5 Bc7 38.Qd7 Nc6 39.b5 Na7 40.Qxc7 Nxb5 41.Qe5 Na7 42.Kd3 1-0 (42) Kramnik,V (2801)-Aronian,L (2820) Zuerich 2012 8.Nxc6 dxc6 9.Qxd8+ Kxd8 10.Bxb6 axb6 11.f3 11.h3 Ne5 12.f4 Ng6 13.g3 h5 14.h4 Ke7 1/2-1/2 (70) Bagi,M (2417)-Melkumyan,H (2654) Zalakaros 2015 11...Nf6 11...Ne3 12.Kd2 Nxf1+ 13.Rhxf1= 12.0-0-0+ Ke7 13.Be2 h5 14.h4 b5 15.a3 Be6 16.f4 g6 17.Rhe1 Ne8 18.Bf3 18.f5 gxf5 19.exf5 Bxf5 20.Bxb5+ Be6 21.Be2= 18...Bg4 18...Nd6 19.Nd5+ cxd5 20.exd5 c6 21.dxe6 fxe6 22.Re5= 19.Bxg4 hxg4 20.g3 Nd6 21.Rd3 Rhd8
22.Nd1 Eyeing the pawn on g4. White is better. She has a pawn majority on the kingside and the white rooks might cause Black's king some discomfort. c5 23.Ne3 c6 24.e5 Stronger than the immediate 24.Nxg4 c4 25.Rde3 b4 26.Ne5 26.axb4 Ra1+ 27.Kd2 Nf5+ 24...Nc4 24...Nf5 25.Rxd8 Rxd8 26.Nxf5+ gxf5 27.Rd1 is a very good ending for White. She has a passed pawn on the kingside whereas Black's majority on the queenside is compromised. 25.Rxd8 Rxd8 26.Nxg4 Black lost a pawn and now seeks to create counterplay on the queenside. b4 27.a4 b5
28.b3 Na3? This knight won't come back into the game. 28...Na5 was more stubborn even though White should also win: 29.axb5 cxb5 30.Rd1-+ 29.a5 c4 30.Rd1 Ra8 31.Nf6 Rxa5 32.Rd7+ Ke6 33.g4 Ra8 34.Rd6+ Ke7 35.Rd7+ Kf8 35...Ke6 36.h5 gxh5 37.Rd6+ Ke7 38.gxh5+- 36.e6 fxe6 37.Nh7+ 37.h5+- 37...Kg8 38.Nf6+ Kf8 39.h5 gxh5 40.Nh7+ Kg8 41.Nf6+ Kf8 42.g5
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Muzychuk,A2537Fressinet,L27001–02016C47Tradewise 2016 Masters3

After three rounds eleven players with 3.0/3 share the lead in Gibraltar and thanks to their wins against Short and Fressinet Harika Dronavalli and Anna Muzychuk are part of this group. The third woman in the top group is Aleksandra Goryachkina from Russia, number one on the girls list. In round three she won against  GM Eduardo Iturrizaga from Venezuela and showed how fortune favors the lucky. After sacrificing material in the opening to complicate the position she found herself in a completely lost position. However, Iturrizaga failed to deliver the coup de grace and finally was mated.

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1.b3 d5 2.Bb2 c5 3.e3 a6 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.g3 Nf6 6.Bg2 g6 7.0-0 Bg7 8.c4 0-0 9.cxd5 Nb4 10.d4 Nfxd5 11.e4 Nc7 12.Qd2 f5 13.e5 a5 14.Qe2 cxd4 15.Nxd4 Ne6 16.Rd1 Nxd4 17.Bxd4 Be6 18.Bxb7 Rb8 19.Bg2 Rc8 20.Nc3 Nc6 21.Be3 Qe8 22.f4 Qf7 23.Rac1 g5 24.Nb5 gxf4 25.Bxf4 Nb8 26.Nc7 Kh8 27.Qb5 Qg6 28.Qxa5 Bd7 29.Bb7 Rcd8 30.Nd5 Rde8 31.Qb6 Qh5 32.e6 Bc8 33.Bxc8 Rxc8 34.Nxe7 Rc2 35.Bd2 f4 36.Qf2 fxg3 37.Qxg3 Bd4+ 38.Kh1 Rxc1 39.Rxc1 Qe2 40.Qg2 Qxe6 41.Re1 Qf7 42.Bh6 Rd8 43.Bc1 Bf6 44.Bb2 Bxb2 45.Qxb2+ Qg7 46.Qe2 Rf8 47.Rg1 Qf6 48.Nd5 Qd4 49.Qg2 Nc6 50.Nf4 Qf6 51.Nh5 Qc3 52.Nf4 Qf6 53.Ne6 Rc8 54.Ng5 Ne5 55.Qb7 Qf5 56.Qd5 Rf8 57.Re1 Nd3 58.Qd4+ Kg8 59.Qc4+ Kh8 60.Qd4+ Kg8 61.Ne6 Nf2+ 0–1
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Iturrizaga Bonelli,E2624Goryachkina,A25020–12016A01Gibraltar Masters 20163.16

Top seed Hikaru Nakamura is not part of the top group. He had to concede a draw against the young Russian Grigoriy Oparin. Nakamura tried hard to get a tangible advantage from a slightly better position but after finally winning a pawn he landed in rook ending that he could not win.

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1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.Nf3 e6 5.Bc4 d6 6.d4 cxd4 7.cxd4 Be7 8.0-0 0-0 9.Qe2 b6 10.Bxd5 exd5 11.Rd1 Na6 12.Nc3 Nc7 13.h3 Bb7 14.Bf4 Ne6 15.exd6 Bxd6 16.Bxd6 Qxd6 17.Qe5 Rfd8 18.Qxd6 Rxd6 19.Nb5 Rc6 20.Rac1 f6 21.g3 Rac8 22.Rb1 Ra8 23.Re1 Kf7 24.Rbc1 Rxc1 25.Rxc1 Ke7 26.Nc3 Kd6 27.Rd1 a5 28.Ne1 Bc6 29.Nc2 Ng5 30.Ne3 Nxh3+ 31.Kg2 Bd7 32.Ncxd5 Bc6 33.Nc4+ Ke6 34.Kxh3 Bxd5 35.Re1+ Kf5 36.Nxb6 Rd8 37.Nxd5 Rxd5 38.Re7 g5 39.Rxh7 Rxd4 40.Rb7 a4 41.Rb5+ Ke6 42.a3 f5 43.f3 Rd3 44.Kg2 Rd2+ 45.Kf1 g4 46.fxg4 fxg4 47.Rb4 Kf5 48.Rf4+ Kg5 49.Rxa4 Rxb2 50.Rb4 Ra2 51.Rb3 Kf5 52.Re3 Kg6 53.Ke1 Kf6 54.Kd1 Kf5 55.Kc1 Rf2 56.Kd1 Ra2 57.Kc1 Rf2 58.Kd1 ½–½
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Nakamura,H2787Oparin,G2565½–½2016B22Gibraltar Masters 20163.1

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura v Grigoriy Oparin

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Aryan Tari played an interesting game in the Grünfeld, in which Tari's knight seemed to be fond of going to the edge of the board at the first possible moment. But when things came back to normal Vachier-Lagrave outplayed the Norwegian with a number of tactical shots in the endgame.

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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Na4 Bf5 7.Nh4 Bd7 8.e4 e5 9.Nf3 Qe7 10.Nxe5 Qb4+ 11.Nc3 Nxc3 12.Qd2 Nxa2 13.Rxa2 Qxd2+ 14.Bxd2 Be6 15.Ra1 0-0 16.Bc3 Re8 17.Bb5 c6 18.Bd3 Rd8 19.Ke2 Nd7 20.Nxd7 Rxd7 21.e5 Bd5 22.Rhg1 f6 23.f4 c5 24.dxc5 fxe5 25.fxe5 Bxe5 26.Bb5 Re7 27.Bxe5 Rxe5+ 28.Kd3 Rd8 29.Kc3 Re3+ 30.Kd2 Rb3 31.Ba4 Rb4 32.b3 a5 33.Kc3 Rc8 34.Kb2 Rxc5 35.Rgc1 Rxc1 36.Rxc1 b5 37.Rc5 Bc4 0–1
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Tari,A2556Vachier-Lagrave,M27850–12016D90Gibraltar Masters 20163.2

Aryan Tari vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Aryan Tari

Viswanathan Anand started with a draw into his first open tournament since 1986. But in round two and round three he scored smooth and convincing wins.

Vishy Anand vs Xu Xiangyu

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Chinese players are always under-rated and this 2466 could be much stronger than his rating. But Anand shows that when he is form such players are no match for him. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Bg5 Going for one of the sharpest and most popular line in the Classical - the Richter Rauzer. Bd7 7.Qd2 Rc8 8.0-0-0 Nxd4 9.Qxd4 Qa5 10.f4 h6 10...Rxc3 is the main line. 11.bxc3 11.Qxc3?! Qxc3 12.bxc3 Nxe4 11...e5 12.Qb4 Qxb4 13.cxb4 Nxe4 14.Bh4 is not scoring so well for White but the computer is totally in favour of the white pieces here, which is the reason why Anand must have decided to give this line a go. 11.Bxf6 gxf6 12.Be2 Qc5 13.Qd3 Any endgame is usually fine for Black whose king will feel comfortable in the centre. Hence, White preserves the queen. Bg7 13...f5 14.e5! Bg7 15.Rhg1 With the idea of g4 was seen in Karjakin-Balogh,2005. 14.f5! Stopping Black from play f5. h5 15.Kb1 Bh6 16.Rhf1 h4 17.Nd5 Ba4 18.b3 Bd7 White has mobilised all his forces and now it is time to play powerfully. Anand's next move shows that not all conventional wisdoms should be taken on their face value. 19.b4! Wise coaches used to say, "Do not move your pawns in front of your king!" But Anand figures out that with his lead in development, this slight weakening poses him absolutely no problems especially because the rook on h8 is so out of the game. Qc6 20.Rf3 The idea is to play b5 followed by Qb3 and prepare Rc3! 20.c4 was equally good. 20...Qa4 21.a3 Kf8 22.c4 Qc6 23.Rh3 The rook could the other way as well! Bg5 24.g3 Suddenly the king on f8 begins to start feeling the heat. e6 Black gets impatient and tries to break free. But in fact just falls deeper into the hole. 25.gxh4! Bxh4 25...exd5 26.hxg5! Rxh3 27.Qxh3+- 26.Nc3 26.Rxh4! was a nice shot. Rxh4 27.Nxf6 With a crushing advantage as nasty things like Qg3 and Rg1 are threatened. 26...Ke7?! 26...Qb6 was better stopping Nb5. 27.Nb5 Bf2 28.Nxd6! Rcd8 29.Nxf7! These sacrifices are just child's play for Anand to calculate. Rxh3 29...Kxf7 30.Rxh8 Rxh8 31.Qxd7++- 30.Nxd8 A clean victory for the Indian maestro. 30.Nxd8 Rxd3 31.Nxc6++- 1–0
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Anand,V2784Xu,X24661–02016B61Gibraltar Masters 20163.18


1 1 GM Nakamura Hikaru 2787 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Oparin Grigoriy 2565 42
2 43 IM Tari Aryan 2556 2 0 - 1 2 GM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime 2785 2
3 7 GM Jakovenko Dmitry 2732 2 1 - 0 2 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 2550 46
4 45 GM Lalith Babu M R 2553 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw 2727 8
5 9 GM Rapport Richard 2721 2 1 - 0 2 GM Al-Sayed Mohammed 2530 50
6 47 GM Muzychuk Anna 2537 2 1 - 0 2 GM Fressinet Laurent 2700 10
7 11 GM Bacrot Etienne 2697 2 1 - 0 2 IM Pichot Alan 2517 54
8 49 GM Handke Florian Dr. 2533 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Ni Hua 2697 12
9 53 GM Vishnu Prasanna. V 2518 2 0 - 1 2 GM Ragger Markus 2689 14
10 15 GM Howell David W L 2685 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Stefanova Antoaneta 2515 56
11 57 IM Gledura Benjamin 2515 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Almasi Zoltan 2684 16
12 17 GM Short Nigel D 2684 2 0 - 1 2 GM Harika Dronavalli 2511 58
13 59 GM Sundararajan Kidambi 2508 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro 2666 18
14 25 GM Sethuraman S.P. 2639 2 1 - 0 2 GM Bai Jinshi 2507 60
15 62 WGM Tan Zhongyi 2504 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Jones Gawain C B 2625 28
16 29 GM Iturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo 2624 2 0 - 1 2 WGM Goryachkina Aleksandra 2502 64
17 63 GM Khotenashvili Bela 2502 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Gupta Abhijeet 2613 32
18 33 GM Lenic Luka 2611 2 1 - 0 2 GM Blomqvist Erik 2492 68
19 65 GM Aravindh Chithambaram Vr. 2500 2 1 - 0 2 GM Sandipan Chanda 2583 36
20 115 IM Anurag Mhamal 2387 2 ½ - ½ 2 GM Vazquez Igarza Renier 2572 40
21 41 GM Donchenko Alexander 2570 2 ½ - ½ 2 WGM Pogonina Natalija 2454 80
22 3 GM Anand Viswanathan 2784 1 - 0   Xu Xiangyu 2466 74
23 55 GM Libiszewski Fabien 2515 0 - 1 GM Harikrishna P. 2755 4
24 69 GM Zhukova Natalia 2484 0 - 1 GM Yu Yangyi 2747 6
25 19 GM Kamsky Gata 2665 1 - 0 GM Tischbierek Raj 2433 88



Rg. Snr   Name Land Elo Pkt.  Wtg1 
1 2 GM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime FRA 2785 3,0 3279
2 7 GM Jakovenko Dmitry RUS 2732 3,0 3260
3 9 GM Rapport Richard HUN 2721 3,0 3248
4 11 GM Bacrot Etienne FRA 2697 3,0 3238
5 14 GM Ragger Markus AUT 2689 3,0 3232
6 47 GM Muzychuk Anna UKR 2537 3,0 3228
7 25 GM Sethuraman S.P. IND 2639 3,0 3204
8 58 GM Harika Dronavalli IND 2511 3,0 3202
9 33 GM Lenic Luka SLO 2611 3,0 3190
10 64 WGM Goryachkina Aleksandra RUS 2502 3,0 3086
11 65 GM Aravindh Chithambaram Vr. IND 2500 3,0 3083
12 1 GM Nakamura Hikaru USA 2787 2,5 2757
13 42 GM Oparin Grigoriy RUS 2565 2,5 2744
14 8 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw POL 2727 2,5 2732
15 4 GM Harikrishna P. IND 2755 2,5 2724
  80 WGM Pogonina Natalija RUS 2454 2,5 2724
17 12 GM Ni Hua CHN 2697 2,5 2715
  45 GM Lalith Babu M R IND 2553 2,5 2715
19 15 GM Howell David W L ENG 2685 2,5 2703
20 16 GM Almasi Zoltan HUN 2684 2,5 2702
21 49 GM Handke Florian Dr. GER 2533 2,5 2694
22 18 GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro CUB 2666 2,5 2693
23 3 GM Anand Viswanathan IND 2784 2,5 2684
24 20 GM Duda Jan-Krzysztof POL 2660 2,5 2679
  56 GM Stefanova Antoaneta BUL 2515 2,5 2679

... 250 players

The Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival attracts lots of visitors. In round three Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar, came to the Hotel Caleto to have a look at the games.

Brian Callaghan, Fabian Picardo, Leontxo Garcia

Denis Lafferty, Fabian Picardo, James Humphreys, Stuart Conquest, Stephen Boyd

Chess ambassador Ana Cramling Bellon, the daughter of Swedish grandmaster Pia Cramling and Spanish grandmaster Juan Manuel Bellon.

ChessBase author Tania Sachdev follows the tournament as anchorwoman of "The Day's Play"

Episode 4

All videos from Gibraltar...


The games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the server If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

Johannes Fischer was born in 1963 in Hamburg and studied English and German literature in Frankfurt. He now lives as a writer and translator in Nürnberg. He is a FIDE-Master and regularly writes for KARL, a German chess magazine focusing on the links between culture and chess. On his own blog he regularly publishes notes on "Film, Literature and Chess".


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