Bilbao, Rd. 7: Three draws on fianchetto day

by André Schulz
7/20/2016 – Round seven was fianchetto day in Bilbao: in all three games White fianchettoed the king's bishop. The two Catalans of Hikaru Nakamura vs Wesley So and Anish Giri vs Sergey Karjakin were drawn without much excitement and Magnus Carlsen and Wei Yi eventually also split the point. Perhaps the game between Nakamura and So was the most interesting of the round - their heartbeat was measured during the game.

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Sergey Karjakin and Anish Giri are not known for making fire on board in each and every game and their Catalan was indeed a rather peaceful one. The pieces gradually and quietly left the board until the game finally ended in a draw.


Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So also played a Catalan but even though Nakamura tried to get something going Wesley So had no trouble to parry all winning attempts by White.


But the game between Nakamura and So nevertheless was something special - the heartbeat of the players was measured.

As it turned out Nakamura was a bit cooler than So.

Magnus Carlsen and Wei Yi did not play a Catalan but against Wei Yi's Grünfeld Carlsen still fianchettoed his king's bishop. In round two Carlsen seemed to be well-prepared against the young Chinese and today the World Champion again appeared to have distinct opening goals. The game soon turned into an endgame in which, however, White did not have much winning chances if Black played correctly. As Wei Yi did not make any grave errors the game eventually ended in a draw.



Results of round 7

  Title Name Country ELO Res. Title Name Country ELO
1 GM Anish Giri
2790 1 - 1 GM Sergey Karjakin
2 GM Magnus Carlsen
2851 1 - 1 GM Wei Yi
3 GM Hikaru Nakamura
2787 1 - 1 GM Wesley So


Games - Rounds 1 to 7




1 m Magnus Carlsen NOR 12,0 4.5 0.0 0.00 31.50 2855
2 m Hikaru Nakamura USA 9,0 4.0 0.0 4.00 34.00 2787
3 m Wei Yi CHN 8,0 3.5 0.0 1.00 25.50 2696
4 m Sergey Karjakin RUS 6,0 3.0 4.0 0.00 20.50 2773
5 m Anish Giri NED 6,0 3.0 3.0 1.00 23.50 2785
6 m Wesley So USA 6,0 3.0 3.0 0.00 22.00 2770

Yesterday Valverde, coach of the local soccer team Athletico Bilbao, came to visit Ruslan Ponomariov and Leontxo Garcia.

Tournament schedule

Round Day Time
Opening ceremony 12.July 16:00
1. round 13.July 16:00
2. round 14.July 16:00
3. round 15.July 16:00
4. round 16.July 16:00
5. round 17.July 16:00
Free day 18.July  
6. round 19.July 16:00
7. round 20.July 16:00
8. round 21.July 16:00
9. round 22.July 16:00
10. round 23.July 15:00
Closing ceremony... 23.July  

Photos: Tournament page...


André Schulz started working for ChessBase in 1991 and is an editor of ChessBase News.


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leonin leonin 7/21/2016 10:08
"1693/1285 calorias quemadas"

Wait a minute, were they in cryostasis or what? :)
imindender imindender 7/21/2016 08:48
mee too!
Please let us know more about the backround of measuring vital signs of grandmasters facing each other.
I wonder e.g. if players could their opponents heartbeat. A steep rise could suggest someone is excited or surprised by a move.
jajalamapratapri jajalamapratapri 7/21/2016 04:59
Would be interesting to annotate the png with heartbeat at the time of each move.
KrushonIrina KrushonIrina 7/21/2016 02:17
If Wei Yi's heartbeat was measured: One beat per day. That dude is a cold blooded chess assassin.
X iLeon aka DMG X iLeon aka DMG 7/20/2016 11:05
Well, come on guys!!! You drop an interesting fact then drop it... Why were the heartbeats measured? By whom? (i.e. any interesting organisation doing interesting research on the physiology of chess competition?) What were the results? I expect some follow up on this exciting subject! Pom-pom Pom-pom Pom-pom