Dannemann WCC

(1) Alain C White - Mate in two
British Chess Magazine, 1901

No threatened mate in one, but Zugzwang! It's mate next move, as you can easily check for yourself. [ 1.Rh5? Threat: Rh4# 1...Qf3 ; 1.Bc3? Threat: Bg2# 1...Qf8 ] *

(2) Gerald F Anderson - Mate in three
3rd Prize, BCPS, 1920

1.Rg5! e4
[ The threat is 1...-- 2.Rb5 followed by mate with 3 Nc6 or 3 dxe3; 1...exd2 2.Qxd2+ Kxc5 3.Rb5# ( or 3.Na4# ) ; 1...f4 2.Nb5+ Kxc5 3.d4# ; 1...Nd6 2.dxe3+ Kxc5 3.Na4# ; 1...Nxd8 2.exd8Q+ Kxc5 3.Qb6# ; 1...Kxc5 2.Qb1 followed by Qb6#]

2.Qa1 Kxc5 3.Nxe4# *

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