ECTC R4: France beats Germany, takes lead

by ChessBase
8/3/2005 – The French team went into the lead at the European Team Championship in Göteborg, beating top rivals Germany 2½-1½. And the Russians? In spite of a 4-0 over Scotland they are in place 12. In the women's section Romania, Poland and Bulgaria are in the lead. Games, results, statistics and pictures.

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15th European Chess Team Championship

After four rounds it is slowly becoming interesting to look at the standings of the teams in this championship. In the official tables we see that match points are counted first, with board points breaking the ties. For instance Ukraine has 11.5 board points (i.e. they have scored 11.5/16), but since they only won three matches and lost one they are behind the Netherlands, which scored 10/16 but won three and drew one match.

The drawing ratios are interesting: in the men's section 46% of the games were draws, with 32% white and 22% black wins. In the women's section there were just 32% drawn games, with 35% white and 33% black wins. This low drawing average may come as surprise to many who look at the three drawn and one decided games in so many of the encounters. But if you go all the way down the tables you will see that this is not the general rule.

There are photo impressions by Frits Agterdenbos at the bottom of the page.

Round 4, Men – 02.08.2005

4.1 5 France 2½-1½ 10 Germany
1 GM Bacrot Etienne 2729 ½:½ GM Lutz Christopher 2616
2 GM Lautier Joel 2672 ½:½ GM Gustafsson Jan 2614
3 GM Fressinet Laurent 2627 1:0 GM Graf Alexander 2605
4 GM Bauer Christian 2641 ½:½ GM Dautov Rustem 2595
4.2 19 Switzerland 1½-2½ 2 Israel
1 GM Korchnoi Viktor 2615 ½:½ GM Gelfand Boris 2724
2 GM Pelletier Yannick 2603 0:1 GM Smirin Ilia 2652
3 GM Jenni Florian 2494 ½:½ GM Avrukh Boris 2652
4 IM Hug Werner 2445 ½:½ GM Erenburg Sergey 2595
4.3 6 Netherlands 2½-1½ 4 Armenia
1 GM Van Wely Loek 2655 1:0 GM Akopian Vladimir 2705
2 GM Sokolov Ivan 2691 ½:½ GM Aronian Levon 2724
3 GM Tiviakov Sergei 2678 ½:½ GM Vaganian Rafael 2614
4 GM Van Den Doel Erik 2587 ½:½ GM Anastasian Ashot 2595
4.4 8 Romania 1½-2½ 7 Azerbaijan
1 GM Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter 2679 ½:½ GM Radjabov Teimour 2682
2 GM Istratescu Andrei 2624 ½:½ GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2646
3 GM Nevednichy Vladislav 2583 ½:½ GM Gashimov Vugar 2594
4 IM Lupulescu Constantin 2542 0:1 GM Guseinov Gadir 2585
4.5 9 Czech Republic 2½-1½ 20 Sweden 1
1 GM Navara David 2663 ½:½ GM Agrest Evgenij 2592
2 GM Hracek Zbynek 2591 ½:½ GM Berg Emanuel 2539
3 GM Babula Vlastimil 2604 ½:½ GM Hillarp Persson Tiger 2511
4 GM Stocek Jiri 2592 1:0 GM Hector Jonny 2534
4.6 21 Croatia ½-3½ 12 Poland
1 GM Kozul Zdenko 2585 ½:½ GM Socko Bartosz 2615
2 GM Palac Mladen 2566 0:1 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw 2591
3 GM Dizdar Goran 2518 0:1 IM Bobras Piotr 2525
4 GM Stevic Hrvoje 2528 0:1 GM Markowski Tomasz 2564
4.7 29 Sweden 2 2½-1½ 13 Bulgaria
1 GM Andersson Ulf 2584 ½:½ GM Georgiev Kiril 2666
2 GM Karlsson Lars 2472 ½:½ GM Cheparinov Ivan 2634
3 IM Olsson Anders 2416 ½:½ GM Spasov Vasil 2551
4 FM Carlsson Pontus 2394 1:0 IM Bojkov Dejan 2522
4.8 18 England 2-2 15 Serbia and Montenegro
1 GM McShane Luke 2625 1:0 GM Damljanovic Branko 2612
2 GM Speelman Jonathan 2549 ½:½ GM Markus Robert 2591
3 GM Gormally Daniel 2557 ½:½ GM Ivanisevic Ivan 2577
4 GM Wells Peter 2529 0:1 GM Solak Dragan 2557
4.9 3 Ukraine 4-0 34 Sweden 3
1 GM Ivanchuk Vassily 2752 1:0 GM Brynell Stellan 2484
2 GM Eljanov Pavel 2639 1:0 IM Hall Jesper 2487
3 GM Moiseenko Alexander 2664 1:0 - Ong Kezli 2371
4 IM Kuzubov Yury 2535 1:0 FM Olsson Linus 2352
4.10 14 Georgia 2-2 16 Denmark
1 GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab 2672 ½:½ GM Nielsen Peter Heine 2668
2 GM Jobava Baadur 2621 ½:½ GM Schandorff Lars 2519
3 IM Pantsulaia Levan 2510 ½:½ IM Palo Davor 2519
4 GM Mchedlishvili Mikheil 2549 ½:½ GM Hansen Sune Berg 2568
4.11 24 Lithuania 2-2 17 Greece
1 GM Rozentalis Eduardas 2567 ½:½ GM Kotronias Vasilios 2587
2 GM Sulskis Sarunas 2535 0:1 GM Banikas Hristos 2548
3 GM Kveinys Aloyzas 2510 ½:½ GM Halkias Stelios 2548
4 IM Sakalauskas Vaidas 2473 1:0 GM Mastrovasilis Dimitrios 2563
4.12 1 Russia 4-0 36 Scotland
1 GM Svidler Peter 2738 1:0 GM McNab Colin 2451
2 GM Dreev Alexey 2698 1:0 IM Shaw John 2449
3 GM Motylev Alexander 2675 1:0 IM Muir Andrew 2322
4 GM Timofeev Artyom 2661 1:0 FM Upton Timothy 2250
4.13 23 Spain ½-3½ 11 Hungary
1 GM Illescas Cordoba M. 2624 0:1 GM Almasi Zoltan 2619
2 GM San Segundo Pablo 2514 ½:½ GM Gyimesi Zoltan 2628
3 IM Lopez Martinez Josep 2507 0:1 GM Ruck Robert 2546
4 GM Del Rio Angelis S. 2470 0:1 GM Balogh Csaba 2537
4.14 25 Estonia ½-3½ 22 Slovenia
1 GM Kulaots Kaido 2570 0:1 GM Pavasovic Dusko 2566
2 IM Kanep Meelis 2491 0:1 GM Mikhalchishin Adrian 2526
3 IM Sepp Olav 2462 0:1 IM Borisek Jure 2509
4 IM Seeman Tarvo 2405 ½:½ IM Lenic Luka 2463
4.15 31 Italy 1-3 26 Macedonia
1 GM Godena Michele 2522 0:1 GM Georgiev Vladimir 2532
2 FM Bruno Fabio 2425 0:1 GM Nedev Trajce 2530
3 IM Contin Daniel 2393 ½:½ IM Kizov Atanas 2418
4 FM Mogranzini Roberto 2363 ½:½ IM Stamenkov Vanco 2391
4.16 33 Austria 1-3 27 Iceland
1 IM Neubauer Martin 2468 ½:½ GM Stefansson Hannes 2579
2 IM Pilaj Herwig 2425 0:1 IM Kristjansson Stefan 2459
3 IM Lehner Oliver 2428 0:1 IM Thorfinnsson Bragi 2448
4 IM Lendwai Reinhard 2416 ½:½ IM Gunnarsson Arnar 2438
4.17 28 Norway 2½-1½ 30 Finland
1 GM Johannessen Leif 2543 ½:½ GM Nyback Tomi 2571
2 GM Lie Kjetil A. 2472 1:0 IM Sammalvuo Tapani 2441
3 IM Elsness Frode 2440 ½:½ IM Karttunen Mika 2409
4 IM Nordahl Helge 2423 ½:½ IM Maki-Uuro Miikka 2390
4.18 37 Belgium 2½-1½ 38 Luxemburg
1 IM Dutreeuw Marc 2361 ½:½ IM Bakalarz Mieczyslaw 2423
2 IM Van Der Stricht Geert 2400 ½:½ IM Berend Fred 2374
3 IM Claesen Pieter 2384 1:0 WGM Berend Elvira 2350
4 FM Docx Stefan 2310 ½:½ - Weber Jean-Marie 2262
4.19 32 Ireland 3-1 39 Wales
1 GM Baburin Alexander 2523 1:0 FM Jones Richard 2325
2 IM Kelly Brian 2504 ½:½ - Kett Tim 2192
3 IM Collins Sam 2413 1:0 - Trevelyan John 2196
4 IM Orr Mark 2305 ½:½ - Spice Alan 2175
4.20 35 Turkey 3½-½ 40 Cyprus
1 IM Atakisi Umut 2437 1:0 - Antoniou Antonis 2198
2 IM Haznedaroglu Kivanc 2430 1:0 - Kyriakidis Thrasos 2144
3 FM Erturan Yakup 2311 1:0 - Klerides Paris 2224
4 - Esen Baris 2301 ½:½ - Florentiades Michalis 0

Round 4, Women – 02.08.2005

4.1 10 Romania 3-1 1 Russia
1 IM Peptan Corina-Isabela 2411 1:0 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 2516
2 IM Foisor Cristina Adela 2402 0:1 IM Kosintseva Nadezhda 2490
3 WGM Olarasu Gabriela 2306 1:0 IM Kovalevskaya Ekater. 2471
4 WGM Bogza Adina-Maria 2325 1:0 IM Galliamova Alisa 2453
4.2 8 France 2-2 2 Georgia
1 IM Skripchenko Almira 2437 ½:½ GM Chiburdanidze Maia 2509
2 IM Sebag Marie 2438 ½:½ IM Khurtsidze Nino 2449
3 WGM Lallemand Roza 2287 1:0 IM Lomineishvili Maia 2420
4 WIM Muller Anne 2169 0:1 IM Arakhamia-Grant K. 2423
4.3 4 Poland 3-1 13 Greece
1 IM Radziewicz Iweta 2447 ½:½ IM Dembo Yelena 2428
2 IM Socko Monika 2465 1:0 WGM Botsari Anna-Maria 2297
3 WGM Zawadzka Jolanta 2402 ½:½ WGM Makropoulou Marina 2287
4 IM Dworakowska Joanna 2401 1:0 WIM Makka Ioulia 2243
4.4 11 Bulgaria 4-0 20 Croatia
1 GM Stefanova Antoaneta 2501 1:0 WGM Medic Mirjana 2268
2 WGM Voiska Margarita 2328 1:0 WIM Sargac Rajna 2242
3 WGM Djingarova Emilia 2277 1:0 WIM Macek Vlasta 2211
4 WGM Velcheva Maria 2274 1:0 WIM Jelica Mara 2191
4.5 12 Netherlands 2-2 16 Sweden 1
1 GM Peng Zhaoqin 2405 ½:½ GM Cramling Pia 2494
2 IM Bosboom-Lanchava Tea 2363 ½:½ WIM Johansson Victoria 2218
3 FM Schuurman Petra 2266 1:0 WFM Pavlovskaia Evgenia 2174
4 WIM Muhren Bianca 2269 0:1 - Andersson Christin 2168
4.6 3 Ukraine 3-1 7 Armenia
1 WGM Zhukova Natalia 2478 1:0 IM Danielian Elina 2433
2 IM Lahno Kateryna 2498 ½:½ IM Mkrtchian Lilit 2447
3 IM Gaponenko Inna 2439 1:0 WIM Andriasian Siranush 2280
4 WGM Ushenina Anna 2389 ½:½ WIM Galojan Lilit 2223
4.7 5 Hungary 2-2 21 Lithuania
1 IM Vajda Szidonia 2392 0:1 WGM Ciuksyte Dagne 2341
2 WGM Medvegy Nora 2387 0:1 WIM Zaksaite Salomeja 2237
3 WGM Gara Anita 2372 1:0 - Limontaite Simona 2095
4 WGM Lakos Nikoletta 2313 1:0 - Daulyte Deimante 2195
4.8 9 Germany 2-2 6 Serbia and Montenegro
1 IM Paehtz Elisabeth 2421 ½:½ IM Maric Alisa 2415
2 IM Kachiani-Gersinska K. 2416 ½:½ WGM Bojkovic Natasa 2386
3 WIM Nill Jessica 2323 ½:½ WGM Prudnikova Svetlana 2370
4 WIM Mietzner Tina 2286 ½:½ WGM Benderac Ana 2289
4.9 14 Slovenia 2-2 15 Israel
1 WGM Muzychuk Anna 2364 1:0 IM Klinova Masha 2384
2 WIM Srebrnic Ana 2289 0:1 WGM Borsuk Angela 2342
3 WIM Kaps Darja 2319 0:1 WGM Igla Bella 2299
4 WFM Rozic Vesna 2192 1:0 WIM Tsifanskaya Ludmila 2190
4.10 17 Czech Republic 4-0 24 Sweden 2
1 IM Jackova Jana 2386 1:0 - Horn Emilia 2041
2 WIM Cedikova Katerina 2262 1:0 - Hansson Susanne 2110
3 WIM Sikorova Olga 2232 1:0 - Agrest Inna 1984
4 - Kulovana Eva 2137 1:0 - Frisk Ellinor 1991
4.11 25 Turkey 1-3 19 Spain
1 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2155 0:1 WGM Calzetta Monica 2282
2 WFM Topel Zehra 2081 1:0 WIM Vega Gutierrez Sabrina 2262
3 WIM Cinar Corlulu Nilufer 2038 0:1 WIM Hernandez Yudania 2234
4 WFM Bayrak Asli 1967 0:1 WIM Llaneza Vega Patricia 2180
4.12 23 Iceland 0-4 18 England
1 WGM Ptacnikova Lenka 2204 0:1 IM Houska Jovanka 2342
2 - Thorsteinsdottir Gudlaug 2132 0:1 IM Lalic Susan 2362
3 WIM Gretarsdottir Lilja 2046 0:1 WIM Richards Heather 2150
4 - Fridthjofsdottir Sigurl 1963 0:1 WFM Gilbert Jessie 2151
4.13 22 Switzerland 3-1 26 Austria
1 WGM Lematschko Tatjana 2205 1:0 WFM Kopinits Anna-Chr. 2124
2 WFM Seps Monika 2173 1:0 WFM Horvath Maria 2039
3 WCM Wilson Alexandra 2056 1:0 - Sommer Sonja 2053
4 - Roelli Corinne 2001 0:1 - Nagy Laura 1933


Rk. SNo Team TB1 TB2
1 5 France 8 11.0
2 7 Azerbaijan 7 11.0
3 2 Israel 7 10.5
4 6 Netherlands 7 10.0
5 3 Ukraine 6 11.5
6 9 Czech Republic 6 10.5
7 12 Poland 6 10.5
8 29 Sweden 2 6 10.5
9 10 Germany 6 10.0
10 4 Armenia 5 10.5
11 18 England 5 10.5
12 1 Russia 5 10.0
13 19 Switzerland 5 10.0
14 8 Romania 5 9.5
15 15 Serbia Montenegro 5 9.0
16 13 Bulgaria 4 9.0
17 20 Sweden 1 4 9.0
18 21 Croatia 4 9.0
19 26 Macedonia 4 9.0
20 16 Denmark 4 8.5
21 11 Hungary 4 8.5
22 17 Greece 4 8.0
23 24 Lithuania 4 8.0
24 22 Slovenia 4 7.5
25 14 Georgia 4 7.5
26 27 Iceland 4 7.0
27 32 Ireland 3 7.5
28 37 Belgium 3 7.0
29 28 Norway 3 6.5
30 34 Sweden 3 3 4.5
31 30 Finland 2 7.0
32 33 Austria 2 6.5
33 35 Turkey 2 6.0
34 25 Estonia 2 5.5
35 36 Scotland 2 5.0
36 31 Italy 2 5.0
37 23 Spain 2 4.5
38 38 Luxemburg 1 5.5
39 39 Wales 0 2.5
40 40 Cyprus 0 1.0
Rk. SNo Team TB1 TB2
1 10 Romania 8 12.5
2 4 Poland 7 10.0
3 11 Bulgaria 6 11.5
4 1 Russia 6 10.5
5 2 Georgia 6 10.0
6 12 Netherlands 5 9.5
7 3 Ukraine 5 9.0
8 16 Sweden 1 5 9.0
9 8 France 5 8.5
10 17 Czech Republic 4 10.5
11 9 Germany 4 9.5
12 21 Lithuania 4 9.5
13 7 Armenia 4 8.0
14 5 Hungary 4 8.0
15 13 Greece 4 8.0
16 19 Spain 4 8.0
17 6 Serbia Montenegro 4 7.5
18 20 Croatia 4 7.0
19 18 England 3 8.0
20 14 Slovenia 3 7.0
21 15 Israel 3 6.5
22 25 Turkey 2 6.0
23 24 Sweden 2 2 4.5
24 22 Switzerland 2 3.5
25 23 Iceland 0 3.0
26 26 Austria 0 3.0

15th European Chess Team Championship

Download all the games in zipped PGN – Tournament report links
Rep.2 Rep. 3
Rep.5 Rep.6
Rep.8 Rep.9

Picture Gallery

The Hotel Gothia towers (left), where all the players have their rooms, and a banner of the European Chess Team Championship

Players in the hotel lounge. In the middle Azerbaijan top boards Radjabov and Mamedyarov, on the right Zurab Azmaiparashvili

Liseberg, the largest amusement park in Scandinavia, just opposite the hotel

The Goteborg Convention Centre, where the event is being held

The yellow zone is for players only, so watchdogs check your
badge to see if you belong there

The commentary room

The analysis zone, where journalists and photographers are not allowed

Tiviakov had a better position against Vaganian in round four, but made a draw. Karen Asrian, visitor according to his badge, is watching the analysis (in the open eating and drinking zone)

An exhibition of chess art made by Swedish school children

2010 Olympiad in Göteborg? That is what Swedish chess dignitaries hope

Photos by Frits Agterdenbos

  • Official web site
    The organisers have promised to broadcast between 24 and 32 games live each day. This means that between 6 and 8 whole matches will be covered.

  • Radio ChessBase
    IM Jacob Aagaard will provide live interviews and analysis of the games, starting each evening at 20:30h CEST. You can follow live games and listen to the commentary in the broadcast room of the server.

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