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The Second Amsterdam Chess Tournament (ACT) was held from July 16 to 24, 2005, in the Studenten Sportcentrum USC in Amsterdam Buitenveldert, Netherlands. It was won by Ukrainian GM Pavel Eljanov with 7/9 and a 2757 rating performance.
Winner Pavel Eljanov, Ukraine [Photo Frits Agterdenbos]
Before the final round three GMs were in the lead: Eljanov, Vladimir Akopian and Ivan Sokolov, each with 6/8. Sokolov faced Eljanov with black and was systematically outplayed by his 22-year old opponent. Akopian only drew his game against Avrukh and Eljanov was the sole winner.
1. | Eljanov | 7.0 |
2. | Rogers, Akopian, Timofeev, Cheparinov, Stellwagen, Khenkin, L'Ami | 6.5 |
9. | Sokolov, Timman, Ernst, Huzman, Avrukh, Megaranto, Williams, Ivanov | 6.0 |
17. | Belkhodja, Erenburg, Al-Modiahki, Smeets, Siebrecht, D'Costa, Bellini, Nijboer, Holzke, v.Delft, vd.Wiel, de Boer, Hoffmann, Bosboom, v Beek | 5.5 |
32. | Vazquez Igarza, Dambacher, Wells, Purnama, Janssen, Schoorl, Pliester, vd.Elburg, Senff, Bellin, vd Oudeweeterin, Halay | 5.0 |
44. | Kharlov, Vrenegoor, Gullaksen, v.Oosterom, Bezemer, Slingerland, Schmitz, Baquero, Peng, Witt, Buckley, Al Sayed, Afek, Bakker | 4.5 |
58. | v.Leent, Jonkman, Hartoch, Zhu, Breivik, Pruijssers, Beckhuis, vd.Poel, Ruijgrok, Vogel, Martyn, T.Timman, Overeem, Ansell, Odink | 4.0 |
73. | Burg, Koster, Bachofner, Wong, Monteban, de Saegher, v.Eekhout, vd Berg | 3.5 |
81. | Lyell, Wunnink, Spaan, Giddins, vd.Plas, Spence, Ko'hler, Drost, Riemens, Visser, Doggers, Gavin Roche, v.Gool, Bitalzadeh | 3.0 |
95. | Wempe, Markus, Narings, Bensdorp, Hansen | 2.5 |
100. | Blanchard | 1.5 |
Once again (see links at the bottom of this page) we have received a remarkable photo report from Fred "available light" Lucas, who has a unique ability to capture the spirit of a tournament, better than many descriptive reports.
Ivan Cheparinov vs Daniel Stellwagen (1-0)
Stellwagen after this game
Nr. 3 Cheparinov watching his game on the television monitor
Jan Timman during his game with Jan Smeets (draw)
Jan Smeets after his game with Timman. Three years ago Smeets also played Timman
in the Lost Boys Tournament and won!
Akopian discussing his game with opponent Renier Vazquez Igarza
20-year-old Russian GM Artyom Timofeev
Timofeev thinking during his game with Manuel Bosboom
Timman and Sokolov strolling around the hall during their games
Erwin L'Ami analysing with his opponent Mark Lyell
An overview of the comment hall where Rini Kuijf did the explaining
Sokolov-Van der Wiel: 1-0. Sokolov refuted a new move by Van der Wiel. In the
picture van der Wiel has 17 seconds left on his clock, while Sokolov had about
1.5 hours.
Analysing what John was up to during the game
John van der Wiel pointing out something important to Sokolov
Igor Khenkin (he's German now) and Akopian analysing their game (Akopian won)
Sergey Erenburg from Israel, rated 2595
The bookshop of New in Chess
The twin Marlies( left) and Laura Bensdorp
Ivan Sokolov enjoying a good glass of white wine
relation with chess is simple," says Fred Lucas. "I'm a photographer who is
very fond of the game, loves the atmosphere at tournaments – it's if you can
really feel all the ideas coming up on all those boards – and I love to make
pictures, especially with available light. What I like most when photographing
chess players is to get their emotions that are otherwise hard to see, because
life immediately proceeds to the next moment."