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Hi again!
Today is Sunday, time to look at our game against Uzbekistan Champ, GM Saidali Yuldashev. Well, we have all sorts of people playing together against the GM: a little kid from India, British soldiers in Iraq, a former drug addict from the Netherlands and many hundreds of others. This game has taken us to Samarkand, Kokand and Khiva, ancient historical places of Uzbekistan.
Today it takes us to probably the most beautiful beach in the world – Laguna Beach in California, which is a meeting place for many chess players, where they even discuss and analyze our game with grandmaster Yuldashev. A friend from California, a financial analyst and great chess fan Carl Kim has sent us wonderful pictures and amazing comments.
Laguna has always been a resort area - a place for rest and relaxation. In the early days, people came from miles around to enjoy its beauty and tranquility, pitching tents on the beach, exploring the intimate coves and the rolling hills.
You will see many street performers, like this guy, playing music for tips. Laguna Beach is a very culturally vibrant local community, with a lot of personality.
Another local color here. Laguna is world famous for artists and art galleries. This guy is a local artist drawing the beautiful scenery.
The city of Laguna Beach actually paid to have these chairs constructed for chess players, but these guys have other ideas. They are playing backgammon.
Local cafe where chess players gather in the evening to continue their games from the beach. It is just across from the beach, and you can see the water through the windows.
Open air chess players at Laguna Beach
A girl stopped by the table, perhaps waiting to play a game. But chess players are interested in a different kind of mate...
Analyzing a chess position in the sunshine at Laguna Beach
I am sure you recognized the position on the board: the game on Chessbase.com. These chess fans stared to get very worked up about the position, with everyone wanting a say! The conclusion, however, is that Black can only play for a draw, but White still has winning chances. Some of the analysts say they can see a sure win for White – a3!? Make of it what you will.
"Good girls go to heaven," reads the sign (quoting loosely from Helen Gurley Brown) "Bad girls go to Laguna Beach CA". Yes, girls do play chess here wearing those things in summer.
Homes built in very high hills over looking the beach. They cost between two and five million US dollars.
I thought many readers would be interested in seeing what winter in Southern California is like. It's freezing over here in Uzbekistan.
Kim (numberpro-at-fastmail.fm), was born in Daegu, South Korea. His
parents immigrated to Las Vegas, Nevada, US in 1973. "So my first American
city was the gambling capital of the United States!" he writes. "This
turned out to be a good thing since I like taking chances and meeting new people.
By a combination of hard work, good looks, and dumb luck, I got a degree in
Economics from Cornell University, and just completed an MBA program at the
Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine. My favorite
pastime is playing chess, making excuses for losses, and blaming others. When
chess is not possible, I do work as a financial analyst. I would very much
welcome any correspondence from other chess players around the world."
Ok, thank you very much, Carl, and we go back to our game. The grandmaster has made his move, which means the game is going on, so no draw yet as many of you are expecting.
Uzbek TV+ChessBase Audience – Saidali Yuldashev
White’s move in this was 29.Ba3 and Black’s response is 29…Kf7 (the full game is given below the feedback section).
Of course you don’t want to miss our selection of wonderful comments through which all White players, after Alonzo McCaulley’s recent analysis and suggestions, are now exchanging their ideas in a very beautiful and friendly way! His idea was met with a great support, both from ChessBase visitors and the Uzbek TV audience (I did mention this in the TV program). People are even asking him to write a book on endgame strategy! Thanks Alonzo, thanks everybody and here are the comments:
Alonzo McCaulley, Antelope, Ca USA
I suggest the move: 29. Ba3
Comments: Some of you are doing a great job of providing your ideas along with your moves. If you noticed our votes were divided between two reasonable moves. Without the ideas behind the moves in the future we may not “act together”. We need your ideas and plans along with your moves. We need them to evaluate the position and try to find our "voice" in the position. Otherwise we will fight each other and a weak move will be our undoing. One of the threats in the position was …h7-h5-h4, which I had dismissed because I think we have enough resources to deal with it. Now because someone mentioned it, we are all aware of it. Keep sending your ideas with the moves, especially if you can extend the line out 2-3 moves. We must now try to anticipate our opponent’s thoughts and plans so we can combat his moves.
Evaluation: White has an extra pawn and control of the only open file; however our K is trapped and now locked in permanently. We still have to be aware of potential back rank mates so allowing lines to open up is NOT an option. White has to face the facts that although we have a material advantage it is very unlikely we will be able to take advantage of it. Black has all the winning chances. NOTE: We should not fear the exchange of R’s however we do have to watch out for lines where black exchanges R’s and his K penetrates our Q-side. Because of this threat we should NOT move any of the Q-side pawns at all. We also have to keep in mind the only squares we should allow the R exchange is e5/e3. We must keep the black K from getting to a critical square (d3). If his K gets there we may be lost so keep this in the back of your minds. It seems far fetched but I ask everyone to at least look at the idea. This will help with our long range planning.
White Goals/Objectives:
Black Goals/Objectives:
Ways to play the position:
Eric Smith, Republic, MO, USA
I would like to say that the analyses from Alonzo McCaulley was just terrific.
I wish all chess endgame books were written like that. I've actually used the
way he is thinking in a couple of end-games since reading it, and it really
helps clear things up. He should write a book. I think that, as Alonzo wrote,
our best option is to go to c5 with our Bishop and block the c-file. Our king
is cooling his heels for the rest of the game and the Black king will penetrate
to the queenside after the rooks come off the board. However, with the bishop
on c5, I think we can hold the queenside together, even if we end up shedding
a pawn. Uhh, just do what Alonzo tells us to do!
Tansel Turgut, Turkey
Of course the position is seemingly close to a draw, but white has to be very
careful..This is not an easy draw at all! One important point is missing: after
Re3, g4 pawn formations, the ending after a rook exchange may be winning for
black! (especially after a move like b4 for white, when there is no pawn break
for white, The black king can enter from e4 to d3, and win by zungzwang)Black
can combine this threat with pawn break threats (a5, etc) then when the pawn
formation (if ever) is fixed, will try to exchange the rooks and win the ending
with his king vs the bishop.. Black can torture white in this position.. This
is a position that computers will be useless..The GM's draw refusal is right..
Black has an advantage here. Play carefully!
Sébastien, Paris
Getting a draw will not be an easy task. Many thanks to Alonzo, who's comments
are really helpful to build a common end-game strategy. One additional comment
however : We need to be cautious about an exchange of rooks, which could be
followed by an infiltration of the black king by f5-e4-d3, with no way to stop
him. For the time being, having our rook on e5 and our bishop on a3-c5 is probably
the only efficient deterrent : an exchange of rooks would create a white passed
pawn on e5, protected then by our bishop on d6, thus a bad option for black.
Dennis Cesar Caluban, Salmiyah, Kuwait
White's strategy now is to keep the position closed to limit activity of the
Black Rook. At some points Black will be obliged to trade it to White's Rook
then White can hold the draw by using the Bishop protect the pawns from the
Black King. 28. Ba3 is preparation for Bc5 defending against Black's... Rc8
in all variations. Bc5 will also protect Black's ... axb4 trying to open up
the position. Try it!
Mel Burt, Glasgow, Scotland
White still has the draw in hand if he avoids Black's tricks. As Alonzo McCaulley
points out, Black can get an advantage by advancing his king along the white
squares to the queenside to attack White’s pawns. Black can also win
if White allows the queenside files to be opened up and Black has various clever
moves with his rook to achieve that. Ideally White would like the queenside
solidly closed behind his bishop and an active rook restraining Black from
swapping rooks. However black can force the exchange of rooks either on e8,
e5 or even g7.
The best and sufficient course I can see for White (Line A below)is to activate his Bishop with Ba3 and Bc5, carefully close the queenside and then only allow the rook exchange (on e5) after Black has either conceded loss of his d-pawn or is unable to immediately capture White’s pawn on e5 after dxe. Once White has that passed pawn he can easily draw by moving his Bishop between d6 and b8 as Black’s king cannot advance.
If White lets Black put his king on f6 when rooks are exchanged then White will not get a passed pawn and Black can win by the very clever maneuver (Line B) of advancing his king to the queenside till White’s bishop runs out of moves and then playing Bg2!! which puts White in zugswang, forcing him to play h4. After Black plays gxh he brings his king across to e2 and forces White to move away from the f-pawn by playing h2+. Black then wins by queening his f-pawn as White can’t bring his Bishop back in time. Really neat!
Line A
29. Ba3 a5 (to threaten Q-side swaps) 30.Bc5 a4 31. bxabxa 32.a3 Rb8 33.Bb4
Kf7 34. Re7+ Kf6! 35.Re5 Rb6 36.Be7+ (to get king away from f6) Kf7 37.Bb4
Re6 38.Ba5! Rxe5 39.dxe Ke6 40.Bd6 drawn ? - ?(If 38…Kf6 39.Bd8+ forces
the king back )
Line B
29.Ba3 Kf7 30.Re7+ Kf6 31.Bc5 Kf7 32. a3? Re8 33.Rxe8 Kxe8 34.a4 bxa 35.bxa
Kf7 36.Bb4 Ke6 37.Bc5 Kf5 38.Bb4 Ke4 39.Bc5 Kd3 40.Bb4 Kc4 41.a5 Bg2!! 42.h4
gxh ep 43.Kh2 Kd3 44.Kg1 Ke2 45.c4 h2+ 46.Kxh2 Kxf2 47.c5 Bf1 48.c6 Bb5 49.c7
Bd7 wins 0-1 However Black’s win hangs by a thread in this line and there
may be ways for White to avoid zugwangon the queenside and draw in this line
Mark Zimmerman Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Ba3, followed by Bc5, b4 and a3 looks like it should draw for White by locking
up the Queenside. However, Black still has his h pawn, and when he pushes it
up the board it will cause some problems for White since the White rook is
chained to the e file for the foreseeable future. But, with accurate play,
it looks as though White should still get the draw in the end.
Arvin Juntereal, Philadelphia, PA
29.Ba3. The bishop move is the right move in this position. As I have mentioned
in my previous commentary, Black plans to activate his king and either opt
for a rook exchange or play an attack down the h file. This move is a preparatory
move, so that when he chooses to activate his king we can at some point play
Re7, checking the Black king. If he opts for a rook exchange (by playing Re8),
we can play Re5 and let Black take on e5.We should not fear an exchange of
rooks, because if this ever happens, we will have a passed pawn that can be
protected by the bishop. In this case, we will be playing with an extra bishop
plus a passed pawn, whereas Black is left with only an active king. But his
king is tied to the defense because if it moves away from the pawn, the passed
pawn is ready to roll. I believe that a draw is inevitable in this case.
He can also opt to retain the rook and push his queenside pawns, with the purpose of opening lines for his rook. We should not allow any line opening for his rook. If we can prevent this, then I can say that it is a draw. Let us play 29.Ba3 first and see what the grandmaster is planning to do.
Andrew Powell, Ashland, Oregon, USA
29. Ba3 is the move, accompanied by a draw offer. This position is a dead draw.
There is no way that either side can make progress. I don't know why people
think otherwise. I am a C player and even I know that this is a draw. Of course,
there are opportunities for each side to go wrong by being too ambitious, but
barring any serious errors, this position is 100% drawn. There are only two
candidate plans for black to make progress: ...h5-h4 and ...a5, ...b4. The
first plan cannot work because , in the worse case, White will recapture with
the f pawn, and Black is still without any way to penetrate with the rook.
White can also simply play Be7 whenever Black "threatens" ...h4.
The exchange of rooks obviously will not help either side, for instance 29.
Ba3 h5 30. Be7 Re831. Bg5 Rxe3 32. Bxe3 h4 33. Be7 hxg3 34. hxg3 and an obvious
draw. The plan of ...a5 and ...b4 does not work at all, for instance 29. Ba3
a5 30. Bc5 b4 31. cxb4 axb4 32 Bxb4 Rb8 33. Bc5 Ra8 34. a4 and the rook cannot
leave the a-file without allowing a5 followed by b4.
Likewise, White has no way to make progress, because the rook cannot leave the e file without allowing black to occupy it and threaten mate, unless white plays Be5. However, c3 would then be vulnerable and Black could play ..Rc8. Therefore, White's best plan is to just put the bishop on c5 and move the rook up and back along the e file.
Ian Finnie, Wellington New Zealand
After Ba3 we should play Bc5. This will then lock up the Q side with no way
through for the black Rook. (We must just be a bit careful how we block / exchange
pawns when (if) the GM advances his a and b pawns). This will then leave the
GM with only the h pawn to advance but I think we can hold the position to
a draw. Also we can harass the black king with our rook if the K tries to move
down the board (always returning the rook to keep the e file closed of course.
Johan, Copenhagen, Denmark
What a deeply unpleasant position. Having the king locked in like this, with
no realistic way of ever getting it out is quite a claustrophobic feeling.
In this situation, the only thing to do is think deep and find the plan that
prevents black from getting his rook through our lines of defense. I haven't
had time enough to think it through, but I think the way to go about it is
to place the bishop on a5 if possible - which it probably won't be because
black plays Ra8. However, if we place our bishop on c5, I think the position
should be reasonably safe. Black will probably try pushing his b-pawn, which
we then have to leave. If he takes on c3, the rook will just have time to recapture
the pawn and then back to the guarding position on e3. In this situation, if
black moves his king to f7 and plays Re8, we can exchange rooks and take the
b4 pawn (in all other rook-exchanging situations we should let black take our
rook on e3 so our king will be freed. So all in all, I think we can just about
scrape the draw - I could be missing something of course. But Ba3 seems absolutely
necessary here - any other move allows black to move forward his b- and a-pawns
and create the deadly open line to the back rank.
Elmer Dumalo Sangalang, Manila, the Philippines
I was quite disappointed upon learning that the choice of moves for the Uzbek
TV Viewers' side strictly follows the democratic process (majority vote wins).This
will certainly lead to the defeat of the Uzbek TV Viewers vs the grandmaster.
The simple reason is: The majority of the viewers are definitely not as strong
as a grandmaster and their collective move choice at any given position is
expectedly inferior to that of the grandmaster’s! For that matter, any
such contest is loaded in favor of the grandmaster!
James, NY, USA
Comments: It is the only active move, otherwise rc8 is crushing. I do however
think Black is winning, a trade of rooks ruins us so Ba3 is hoping for Re7
but of course after Ba3 kf7 will be played and Re7 kf6 will leave black with
rd6 to e6 -/+ the whole problem with the position is white pawns on dark squares
most relevant the lack of white square control at d3. There is no hope of stalemate
or a fortress position since bg2 could force us to an unfavorable move of the
h pawn while blacks h pawn serves a good purpose with tempi and a possible
break at h4 which may open the h file for the rook and a bg2 rh1 mate. all
of my instincts say that white should hold if he takes care now but I find
nothing solid. I must not that if we trade rooks, and our b,c,d ps for his
b,d place our a pawn on a5 and B on e1- a5 diagonal we will draw, also in a
similar situation if we trade rooks and a,b,c ps for a,b and the d5 p ends
up on c4 then push the white p to d5 and place B at b4 if k attacks from side
prevent this with Bc3 we will have tempi with our king even if bg2 then h4
gives the h2 square, the reason im not confidence in these plans is blacks
king will be close enough to prevent us from playing the d pawn to d5 which
is essential.
Michael Jones, Long Sutton
I think the best plan is to leave the rook on e3, it is well placed there to
prevent the black rook penetrating on the open file. The bishop is heading
for c5 where it will block any attack on c3. We can then put pawns on a3 and
b4 and establish a fortress which black (I think) cannot break: if he plays
his rook to e8, supported by the king, we don't have to play Rxe8+, but let
him exchange if he wants to: ... Rxe3 fxe3 and our king can escape from prison
via f2. I think the game will be drawn but I salute Yuldashev for deciding
to test our endgame technique rather than calling it off just when things are
getting interesting! Thanks again to him and to Jamshid for giving us humble
patzers this opportunity to play a GM!
John, Crooks, Stilwell, KS USA
This move is needed now as pointed out by several people. The Bishop needs
to become active to help in keeping the Black King at bay. It is true that
Black now has a draw in hand. He can just move his King back and forth and
there is nothing that we can do to make progress. As long as Black defends
the d5 pawn with his rook, White's rook cannot do anything productive. If White
moves the rook from the e-file, to grab the a-pawn for instance, then Black
immediately wins by jumping on the e-file himself. But it is hard for me to
see where Black can make progress either. With the Bishop on a3, White has
recourse to the move Re7 in certain lines which limits Black's ability to truly
generate any counter play. Since Black cannot lose, then I can see his playing
on to see if we will make a mistake. But I am sure the Chessbase audience is
up to the challenge.
Matthew McKenna, Monaghan Ireland
If we allow black to open a file on the queenside we may as well resign now.
Ba3 not only prevents b4 (at least for now) it also allows to play Bc5 later
to shield our weak c pawn. If we can succeed in blocking he queenside I think
we have a chance. But we'll need to play very accurately from now on.
Xinyu Cao, Brisbane
Since black's bishop is stuck on h3 forever, white is up a bishop and pawn,
and at least a draw is forced. since the white rook block black king to go
to queen side and also white is a pawn up on queen side, the back rank can
not be a problem unless any of the pawn falls, which is also very difficult
to achieve on black side.(plus three of the back rank square can be covered
by the bishop). Exchange the rook only allow white to draw easily, since bishop
on b4 will cover up all white pawns after pawn h4. The only reasonable try
might be push of h pawn so, the bishop must move to prevent h pawn too. That
is all I see on this game. May it be a nice draw game.
Barry Nash, Toronto, Canada
White has played well up until this point and although black has no losing
chances, white would have to play below 1600 to lose this one. What does white
need to do in order to hold the draw? He needs to get in c4 after the rooks
come off the board and before black's king can get to d3.If white sacrifices
a pawn (with rooks removed) to establish a passed and protected d pawn, black's
king can not make any headway (passed white's 4th rank). What can black try?
He can move up his "h" pawn, hope that white will allow the opening
of the "h" file and mate white on h1 with his rook (after ...Bg2).
He can try to open the "c" file but white can block with Bc5. The
basic problem that black has is that he can only exchange his rook as far forward
as "e6" and this is not enough to stop white's "c4" to
make his "d" pawn passed and protected. After this, the players can
shake hands!
Jesse Cohen, Longmont, United States of America
First of all you must take notice that if the rooks come off the board the
black wins. i really don't see anyway that white can exchange them off favorably.
blacks plan is simply kf7 and re8 where upon the rooks will come off the black
king unchallenged and happily comes in on the light squares f5-e4-d3 the queen
side pawns go and the game is over. which leads me to the conclusion that the
e file MUST be blocked. the only clear way i can see to do this is ba3-d6-e5.
so lets take a look. ba3 kf7 and black continues his plan of re8 but d6 is
covered sadly. the only move that looks playable is re7+. now either the king
can go to a square that doesn't guard e8 so that the rook can challenge trade
and win. or he can go to f8 where upon any rook move is a check. so kf6 looks
the most logical. after which we can simply retreat with re3 where be7+ lies
and if he moves the rook off of the d file bd6-e5 occurs and white is happy.
so i am predicting the correct sequence to continue this will be ba3 kf7 re7+
kf6 rd7...now i could stop here but i would like to look ahead and see how
i can get to e5 anyways. so if bf8 is tried with the idea of bh6-f4-e5...however
i am not sure about leaving the a3-f8 diagonal because black will do just about
anything to open any line on the queen side with b4 or a4 and i think the bishop
needs to be there for that. in conclusion ba3 kf7 re7+ kf6 re3 rd7=. this was
done without any computer aid in case you were wondering.
Srinath, Pune, India
Hi! You're doing a great job, Jamshid. Thanks for being so regular and perfect
in conducting this game.
This is my first mail to you, I haven't mailed before because the few candidate
moves all seemed ok, and the best one could usually be chosen using a computer
program, and more importantly, I didn't want to take the risk of suggesting
a bad move. But now I feel that silicon is useless in this position. Long-term
planning is what is required, and since I'm not that good at that, I decided
to try my hand now... Amazing position. White is a pawn up, but has to defend
tenaciously now. I personally feel White should play for the draw, unless a
winning plan is clear, which currently isn't the case... White's main problem,
nay, liability, is the K, not in that its inactive, but in that the K is tying
down the R. As I see it (after reading the excellent other messages you put
on the page), White should have no problem in holding the draw. As is clear,
White mustn't allow opening of lines. This White can apparently easily achieve.
No lines can be opened on the K-side (see note 4, though).
I also cannot see any position where Black can effectively sac an exchange.
So, according to me, as I feel I've looked at all possibilities, White can
hold the draw. Thus, White's current plan should be to do nothing, so he should
shuttle the bishop between a1 and b2 (and maybe also c1 ;) ) Ba1 just looks
like a study sort of a move. I haven't been able to spot any winning plan for
White. I suggest we see what Black's plan is, and defuse it properly. It will
be more fun if the next draw offer is made by the GM, indicating that we deserve
The only move White should absolutely never ever play is, in my opinion, Kh1,
which is not only unnecessary, but also lets out the Bh3. Then I'm sure defense
will become very difficult, if not impossible.
White can also play more actively with getting his Bishop to c5 etc... but
I don't see any use in doing so. White might need his Bishop to defend in some
lines, as in note 4. One other thing, is it against the rules for you to display
the suggestions every 2/3 days, so that other people can benefit from other
suggestions? It will be like everyone discussing and then playing a move. Also,
maybe then a person could change/withdraw his suggestion after reading other
messages. This will definitely increase the already tremendous amount of work
you're doing, but also make it a better game.
PS: My sincerest apologies if I've made any stupid comments. I'm just an amateur trying to have fun.
Timothy, Chou, New York, USA
WE ARE NOT LOSING!!! However, black has the advantage of K/R vs. B/R. Contrary
to what one of the readers said last week, we do NOT, under any circumstances,
want to trade off rooks. White's goals: Our only chance of drawing (winning
is out of the question- we have no way of activating our king) is to blockade
on the dark squares. After b4, a3, and an eventual Bd3, white can just shuffle
his rook around the back rank.
Black's goals: Seize control of the e-file because an exchange of rooks would
allow black's king to wipe out white's queenside via e4. Alternatively, he
could try to open lines with moves such as b4, creating lots of threats.
My evaluation: This was GM Yuldashev's plan all along- to trap his own bishop, but imprison our king. There is no way we can win, even with an extra pawn, since we have no control of the light squares. White is going to have to play very meticulously in order to draw.
My prediction: We lose. Kudos to GM Yuldashev for putting us in a position that, quite frankly, the average player can't understand. We'll end up self destructing, which is why I'm not suggesting a MOVE, but rather, an IDEA. Blockade on the dark squares, place the bishop on d3, and shuffle the rook around the back rank and prevent the black king from getting to d3.
Meir Lakhovsky, Redmond, WA, USA
I see two plausible plans for black.
a) Rc8 (or just skipping this move and making next few) a5 b4 and breaking
through, this would be dangerous since Re2 is not an option and a move like
c2 puts us into a lot of trouble. b)Kf7 Re8.
I seem to have a plan to defend both of black's plans. If black replies with a5 then we can play a3 and on black b4 move (If Rc8, then Rxd5 draws after Rc5 and Re5 following black's rook), we can play a3xb4 a5xb4 c3xb4 and we amazingly hold a draw after Rc8 Re1 Rc2 Ba1 Ra2 (Re2 Bc3!!)Bc3, draw. The other plan is Kf7, to which we reply a3 Re8 Rxe8 Kxe8 a4 a)Kd7 a4xb5 a6xb5 Ba3 followed by Bb4 and draw since black can't get in b)bxa4 bxa4 Kd7 Ba3 Kc6 Bc4 once again holding black off.
If after Kf7 black still played the other plan it would still stay the same since we can get out of zugzwang with moves like b4-b5-b6 etc.
A note from Jamshid: I am visiting your opponent Saidali Yuldashev on Saturday for an interview both for the TV channel and chessbase.com. I really want the interview to be based on your questions, so please, together with your moves and comments, send me any questions of interest to you, anything you would like to know about Saidali and maybe his family, and anything else you want to ask him about.
Uzbek TV+ChessBase Audience – Saidali Yuldashev
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3 d5 9.exd5
Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 c6 12.d4 Bd6 13.Re1 Qh4 14.g3 Qh3 15.Re4 g5 16.Qe2
f5 17.Bxd5+ cxd5 18.Re6 f4 19.Rxd6 Bg4 20.Qf1 Rae8 21.Nd2 Qxf1+ 22.Nxf1 Re1
23.b3 Bh3 24.Bb2 Rfe8 25.Rd8 Rxf1+ 26.Rxf1 Rxd8 27.Re1 f3 28.Re3 g4 29.Ba3
See you next week!